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$0, 15 minute weight harness

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51% freediver 49% spearo
Jan 31, 2007
It's not pretty, but is tough and cheap. I have a 2kg "kidney" type weight beaten flat with a big hammer. So nice to get that weight of your belt. Does NOT slip forward. Copy and enjoy at your own risk. YMMV.

- 2Kg rectangular thinnish weight
- one old bike inner tube (a 26" inner tube is fine for my 100cm chest)
- one old plastic buckle
- one piece of rubber, glued to back of weight
- roll of good electrical tape
- straps with clips, from an old headlamp torch

Pictures self explanatory??

I found all stuff in my workshop. Most bike shops will give you a handful of old inner tubes for free.

Ask if there are questions!


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Reactions: Mr. X and trux
Looks great! Thanks for sharing. I would just recommend adding a quick release buckle (or two), so that you can drop it quickly in case of emergency. It would be also mandatory in competitions (not sure about AIDA, but definitely yes under CMAS / FFESSM).
thanks trux. that little clip thing on my chest is sure too small to get to in a panic. It would be better to use a bigger one. to be honest I though about what you said beforehand and:
- i would never use it in a comp. I need it for 7mm suits (and weight here) and is for spearing
- i would probably just drop the 6Kg on the waist if I was indeed in trouble and smart enough to remember to shed weight. The back weight is 2kg.
- if I ever got wedged/stuck using this I would cut the rubber with the dive knife. It cuts like a hot knife through butter.

Thanks for the thoughts.
Ingenious. Simple & elegant. But do you really need the chest strap at all? [Some of my climbing backpacks have similar straps but others don't & I only occasionally use them.] If so, perhaps a simple, single metal hook & loop would be easier to release & attach?
thanks X, and you are right. the chest strap does nothing other than stop the strap itself from floating around. i should remove it..
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