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14.5 band vs 16 band

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
i want buy a 90cm railgun double band.
I dive in the Mediterranean and need to decide between rubber bands 14.5 or 16.
what the pros and cons.

The obvious pros and cons is that the thinner rubber stores less energy, but is also easier to pull. It probably gives a smoother and more precise shot, although with less penetration power and less absolute range. At what point it becomes overpowered (or underpowered ofc) depends on a lot of factors including the spear lenght/diameter/material, water temperature, gun manufacturer, barrel material, etc. So instead I'd recommend:

What comes standard with the gun? Stick with that.

By the time you wear the bands out you have enough experience to judge whether you want to change them for something else. But really, any gun, in any configuration can get you fish.
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Reactions: nick.s
Really depends on the shaft diameter and what you want to shoot. Guns with 8 mm shafts are commonly used with a single 16 mm band. 7mm shafts of the same length are 25% lighter, so you can use 14.5 mm. Multiband small guns often use 14 mm bands as each band is easier to pull than a 16 mm band. Most 8 mm equipped guns can go up to 2 x 16 mm bands, but one is usually enough for short range work.
14.5mm will be easier to load and, perhaps, marginally faster than 2x16mm. If you go with bulk rubber, a single 16mm or 18mm band is often enough and faster to load. At one time I would have gone for 2x16mm but I think that is overkill unless you are going for big African or Oz fish - and a 90cm eurogun would probably not be your choice in that case. I think for the Med, 2x 14.5mm would likely work well. You should be able to switch to single 16/18mm band or 2x16mm later as your needs and experience dictate.
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