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140cm RA or rabitech--flex in alum barrel?

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New Member
Mar 6, 2006
Looking for real world experience from spearos who own these guns.

I'm considering getting one on the cheap (hence aluminum) and it will not be pampered like my Wongs. Thus aluminum is favored over carbon for at least these two reasons. Bascially, I want a decent gun that I can beat up without feeling too guilty.

Does anyone here own a 140cm RA or Rabitech in aluminum?

Thanks in advance.

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If you can get a hold of an "" Superfrog Edge Gun "" from Australia they are much better.

They have a thicker Diam alumn barrel (so no barrel flex) and a Picaso handle and trigger mech.
Also have a interchangable nozzel so you can change rubber configurations with any stress.

They are becoming the gun of choice in Aus, I have 3 and love em

I have the older green handled RA 140 in Aluminum. Am very happy with it. Mine is set up with two 16 mm bands, and a hawaiian break away rig. Have not noticed any barrel flex in the gun. It gets tossed in the kayak, thrown in the car, and goes in and out of boats and seems to be holding up OK. It is a very LONG gun, but doesnt seem so long once you get used to carying it in the "soldier at arms position" when swimming. I use it for my clear water White Seabass Gun. 7.5 mm shaft gives it good hitting power, blows right through the fish. Seems to hit where I aim.
got the 140 rabitech with 8mm shaft and b/way rig. quite new. so far no flex. no kick either. was very happy with the result. penetrated large tuna from behind dorsal all the way thru fish. and right out the other side. seemed to track quite well too. miles has got several. prefer it to my RAs. Well priced too.
I've got the rabiteck apex 110 with rail. They all hold to a high standard of power and accuracy. Mine also takes quite a beating travelling and I havent experienced any problems, dont think you can easily go wrong there :)
Mike Damms is my man! More accurately, Cheryl Damms is my (wo)man! (sorry Mike).

I contacted Florida Freedivers asking about the availability of the aluminum RA 140cm (whether it's in stock, etc). Mike was not available but Cheryl picked up the phone and mentioned that she might have a old-style, green-handled one in the warehouse that she would sell me for less. I was all over that. I have other RAs in the old-school, green-handled style, and I love them so no problems with the old school.

Today, we confirmed, I ordered an extra muzzle that I like, and the gun is ready to go to me.

Kudos to the Damms and Floridafreedivers. In my book, Mike/Cheryl (the Damms) and Daryl/Rick (the Wongs? :)) are the first people I call for most, if not all, of my spearing needs. They price their stuff right, but more importantly, the value and service is just outstanding.

Simply awesome people.

I just have to say that since it made my day.

Also, thanks to all who responded to help me make up my mind. It's a done deal !!!!
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