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160Kg Cherne taken in Brazil

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


51% freediver 49% spearo
Jan 31, 2007
picture says 1000 words..
taken during an aspeto at 23M. More details when I know them. It's a Warsaw Grouper in English I think.. and before you ask, no photoshop involved...


  • CHERNE 160 kg.jpg
    97.3 KB · Views: 426
I'm looking forward to hearing more Azapa. How the h*ll did he get that to the surface from 23m? Or into the boat or ashore for that matter.
Oh and are they nice to eat?
i know that thing is near impossible to surface with, it took me and 2 other guys to land a 40 KG one and bring it up from 8m, which is a quarter of this size and one third of the depth !!
That's a huge B*tch! what a beautiful fish by the way! I wonder how many people that would feed?
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