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2003 in the life of saltFree

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Mermaid, Musician and Marketer
Nov 12, 2002
Your nominations please for your personal choice on the following

Your saltFree Best of Times in 2003

Your saltFree Worst of Times in 2003

saltFree Personality of the Year 2003

Best saltFree Innovation of the Year 2003

Meet of the Year 2003

I would like to see more of in 2004......

Happy Christmas


you can vote for several if you like....
my votes

Your saltFree Best of Times in 2003
the Big Weekender, seeing the Rib coming over and realising it was gonna go well

Your saltFree Worst of Times in 2003
weight belt tangled around my legs at 30m and.. whoops.. no angels there....

saltFree Personality of the Year 2003
Laura.. but that's predictable - so also Deepest Dave for the massive improvements in performance but more importantly for his consistent enthusiasm and cheeriness

Best saltFree Innovation of the Year 2003
the bottom plate - nice one Shaun

Meet of the Year 2003
the Christmas Dip, closely followed by the Big Weekender but that was kind of stressful!

I would like to see more of in 2004......
saltFree's international reputation spreading - taking Cyprus by storm and filling up most of the spaces on the UK team with saltFree-ers - showing the rest of the world what we are made of!
Your saltFree Best of Times in 2003
The Big Weekend because....met new people ( like Alun and his mates ), had a well-run AGM meet, had all the excitement of being part of Marcus's records, and generally seeing everything go smoothly. Except...

Your saltFree Worst of Times in 2003
Also the Big Weekend. I lent someone my lanyard, and because it wasn't sheathed, it ended up in a tangle when the diver turned at the plate. He was very good about it, but he ended up having a crap ( and dangerous ) dive because I hadn't known any better. ( Don't worry, I haven't used or lent it out since. )

saltFree Personality of the Year 2003
Although I don't like singling someone out, 'cos everyone at saltFree is great as far as I'm concerned, then it would have to be Deepest Dave ( mainly for his UK record in constant spooning ). Rodin comes a close second for his eloquent after-dinner stories.

Best saltFree Innovation of the Year 2003
The tennis ball communication system?....err, no. The bottom plate scores again.

Meet of the Year 2003
Again, difficult to single out, but there was something special about the first ever one we had back in May.

I would like to see more of in 2004......
The bottom of the quarry? Well, at least we're nearly 2/3rds of the way. I'm looking forward to the static tank in operation, also the saltFree pontoon. A sled would be nice as well...

Happy Christmas from me

SaltFree best times 2003
The whole experience ... 'Essence of Angels' (my new fragrance) and 'Spirit of SaltFree' (my alcoholic drink of choice).
But most of all when the last Angel surfaces from their deco and I know they are safe.

SaltFree worst times 2003
ME ... I stress myself out and need refrigeration, the chill pill isn't working!

SaltFree personality of the year 2003
The team dynamic ... I love it, it rocks.

Best SaltFree innovation of 2003
Shaun's plate .... but watch this space as I have something up my sleeve :wave

Meet of the Year
Has to be the one when Mr. FHM entertained us , or maybe the one when Peter from far flung lands joined the team or then again when Lars and Marcus both turned up (top effort) but then there was the one when Le Thug was born, PB's were set, newbies turned up, Marcus G achieved his records, new Angels joined ...... too many, it's all a blur and it's all been fantastic

I would like to see...
Bigger, better, deeper, more:
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worst times 2003
Can i Begin slagging off that FHM tosser. I mean I try always to be as diplomatic as possible and allthat but I really wanted to chin him. Why did he have to turn up in the summer when it could have been sooo nice?

Best times 2003
ummm I am tempted to say sharing a great room with Dave, but that will just fuel the Dave King is bent arguement. I have to say the second time i was there as i dived and got that 'feeling' the one where it doesn't matter how deep you are, it is just awesome.

Personality 2003
Lisa ( whenever she is there ) as she is just the happiest person i have ever known, also the FHM tosser as he wasn't a bloke i want tomeet again, but he makes me happy to know that the rest of us aren't so bad.

Meet of 2003

The second time we got there as the lines had been done I think and i realised that this would keep going ( big up Sam )

Innovation of 2003
Chocolate put at the bottom of the line. Nuff said.

More of in 2004
Sunny warm weather and a chance to sleep in the sun on a mat by my car.Heaven.
greetings from south africa. hope you dont mind me side tracking your thread a second, but i read with curiosity about your innovative bottom plate. i'm in the process of making one myself, and not having seen one up close before i though i would ask what makes a bottom plate great? cheers
Hi Bevan

You can see a (murky) picture of it at:


As you can see, ours has lights and a strobe on it, as we dive in low-light conditions. Another useful feature is a rock-climbing 'ascender' grip on the underside, which we use to lock it in place.

Sam has a better close-up of it, so she might be able to post it.

thanks very much for that. the ascender grip is a stroke of genious, wouldnt have thought of that myself. trying to get used to near zero vis myself, a good plate should help. thanks again
Hi all.

Your saltFree Best of Times in 2003
The underwater treasure hunt was a lot of fun.

Your saltFree Worst of Times in 2003
Missing the AGM weekend with flu.

saltFree Personality of the Year 2003
Sam and Laura. Thanks for organising everything.

Best saltFree Innovation of the Year 2003
Again, chocolates on the bottom plate. Mmmm....

Meet of the Year 2003
Christmas party - realised how far the group had come.

I would like to see more of in 2004...
The line.
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