OK, ok... so I went walkabout for a month. We're all still here right?
Here's the dealio- you take a long, loving look at the photo below. You put all those IQ points that Mom and Dad paid for you to develop at school, and you try regularly to piss away, towards coming up with the funniest one liner or poem or three part bar, whatever, long as it's funny. You post said funny here. And wait.
And wait some more. And maybe a little more. zzz Whilst you wait, if you come up with more funny stuff, hey, share it with us. It's all good. Long as it's fairly clean.
Because you see dear DB member, the Caption Contest judges are also my kids, masquerading as the coolest kids on the planet.:mute And these kids know what crap is and what's funny. The got it from their Mother I guess...:hmm That and there are more than few youngsters here as well as oldsters acting young, so be cool, otay?
Your entry gets tabbed as dakine or da one
you gonna be sooo lucky brah!! 'Cause you get to either sport a DB T shirt (as seen on numerous, well , a couple, ) of the handsome-r and prettier types in the diving community OR a real life DB mug to sip your bev from. Life gets sooo god, huh?
So if you blow bubbles, or hold it, it don't matter as long as you don't suck. Comprende? That's aussie for "Cotton"? or Canadian for "eh?" Game on.
Seeing as fins are all the talk...
Here's the dealio- you take a long, loving look at the photo below. You put all those IQ points that Mom and Dad paid for you to develop at school, and you try regularly to piss away, towards coming up with the funniest one liner or poem or three part bar, whatever, long as it's funny. You post said funny here. And wait.
And wait some more. And maybe a little more. zzz Whilst you wait, if you come up with more funny stuff, hey, share it with us. It's all good. Long as it's fairly clean.
Because you see dear DB member, the Caption Contest judges are also my kids, masquerading as the coolest kids on the planet.:mute And these kids know what crap is and what's funny. The got it from their Mother I guess...:hmm That and there are more than few youngsters here as well as oldsters acting young, so be cool, otay?
Your entry gets tabbed as dakine or da one
So if you blow bubbles, or hold it, it don't matter as long as you don't suck. Comprende? That's aussie for "Cotton"? or Canadian for "eh?" Game on.
Seeing as fins are all the talk...
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