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27Ib Bass!!!!

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wow, here's the pics for anyone not reg'd there


  • 12kgcn3ka4.jpg
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  • kopyasimgp5500ps6ev1.jpg
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Great fish. I speared one bass this summer, a Striped Bass. It was 41inches long and about 26Lbs, it sure was a monster underwater!

I particularly like the European nonchalance on his face, like he gets one like that every day. I'll assume he's Italian or Spanish. Amazing fish.
Thats right crazy 13! I was there for that one. It was a good fight. Can't wait for for the fall run of stripers. RI is where its at! But that is a nice 27lb! Nice job.
WHAT A HUGE OCTOPUS!!!!!!!!!! Lol....

For those that don't know, the octos on the west coast get up to 8 metres tip to tip, and generally are a metre or 2.
I remember the first Caribbean octopus that a DM pointed out when I was a SCUBA nerd and thought "Is that a snail?" lol.
And beautiful big bass by the way- nice catch. Hopefuly a stone shot or it might have been a good ride up. Or back down haha.
That's a total horse of a bass.I think i'd probably have had some kind of heart attack if i clapped eyes on that in the sea.Think it'd have to be the full family fish-fest to do that long lived fella justice.
Oh I know, but I thought others might not get it!
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