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289 kilos Bluefin speared in Spain

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Paragraph aquanaut
Jan 13, 2002
Fernando Abella and Celestino de Miguel got a 278 kilos Bluefin off the coast of Spain in the Med. It took them one week to find the fish and they used stock spearguns.

Photos can be found here .
(Sorry, but they were published on the site with Fernando's permission).

Now how many cans can you produce out of that beast?! :D

IBGuys, I stand corrected by the spearo. The actual weight of the fish is 278 kilos, so I had to edit the post. That's what happens when you're overimpressed - you misread your own e-mails! :D
Last edited:
awesome catch but I didnt like the comparison to the WR b/c even if it had been larger it would not be eligable for consideration.
Unbelievable fish!
The fact that it's not eligable wouldn't change the weight of the fish, man... And what else to compare it with? :confused:

Fernando Abella mentioned that a complete article will be published by the specialised printed media pretty soon. It will also describe their technique...

Congrats to Celestino and Fernando!

Wishbone, let us know when the article appears; I'd like to read about it!
I have heard rumors that the tuna catch was mabe up. They are saying that it was landed on rod and reel and then given a few shots.

Don't know if this rumour is true or not as Fernando Abella has the rep of a very good spearo.
Hello Everybody,

This is my firts post to this forum and it is a pity that it is just to say that this "rumor" is false.

We shoot the 3 tunas in open waters with our spearguns.

We did not find them floating and ill
nor do we shoot them inside of a tuna farm
nor we buy them from a net boat
nor we use explosives to hunt them
nor ...

We stay in the sea, we wait, we use flasher, bungies, chum, the biggest spearguns avalaible without buying an especialized one, anything we think we should use. And we are sorry to have shoot and fail at two tunas. But you learn by experience. Now we are prepared to land 3 over 3 and our material is going to be perfect next time.

If everything goes as I would like, I will use a speargun capable of deliver more than 400 joules of energy (experimental medition) while I shoot the 278,4 kg tuna with a 115 joules gun. You will be amazing with this new speargun.

The complete history "620 lb Tuna 2003" will be published soon in USA magazines.

Please think about the great problems involved in this kind of fishing and be more generous in your appreciations. I think Blue Water Spearos understand us. We cross 1200 km from our home to tuna grounds and stay 9 days for 3 shoots.

Thank you everybody.

Fernando Abella

If you want to see two stone shoots from a very little neumatic speargun (25% power of my stealth 110 at 40 bar) on little fishes, go to download section of my new site www.pescasub.com


Originally posted by shaneshac
I have heard rumors that the tuna catch was mabe up. They are saying that it was landed on rod and reel and then given a few shots.

Don't know if this rumour is true or not as Fernando Abella has the rep of a very good spearo.
Hello Everybody,

This is my firts post to this forum and it is a pity that it is just to say that this "rumor" is false.

We shoot the 3 tunas in open waters with our spearguns.

We did not find them floating and ill
nor do we shoot them inside of a tuna farm
nor we buy them from a net boat
nor we use explosives to hunt them
nor ...

We stay in the sea, we wait, we use flasher, bungies, chum, the biggest spearguns avalaible without buying an especialized one, anything we think we should use. And we are sorry to have shoot and fail at two tunas. But you learn by experience. Now we are prepared to land 3 over 3 and our material is going to be perfect next time.

If everything goes as I would like, I will use a speargun capable of deliver more than 400 joules of energy (experimental medition) while I shoot the 278,4 kg tuna with a 115 joules gun. You will be amazing with this new speargun.

The complete history "620 lb Tuna 2003" will be published soon in USA magazines.

Please think about the great problems involved in this kind of fishing and be more generous in your appreciations. I think Blue Water Spearos understand us. We cross 1200 km from our home to tuna grounds and stay 9 days for 3 shoots.

Thank you everybody.

Fernando Abella

If you want to see two stone shoots from a very little neumatic speargun (25% power of my stealth 110 at 40 bar) on little fishes, go to download section of my new site www.pescasub.com
Hello and welcome to the forum Fernando.

I am Shane and I am from Gibraltar. I will email you in spanish shortly. I am in the process of setting up my gear for tuna fishing in the straits (El Estrcho) this summer. I am waiting for a 115 Mamba modified gun with 8mm shaft.

Enzo from Maorisub speaks very highly of you and so do all the spanich spearfishermen I know.

As I wrote, they were rumours and obviously, for a catch that big there will always be people who doubt you.

I ahve one very important question.

The tuna pic attached weighed 220 kilos. I could keeo this tuna from sinking with one hand.

How come the first 2 tuna you killed all sank taking the bouys?

Were they not tied properly.

What thickness shaft did you use for the Sporasub Stealth?
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Originally posted by shaneshac
Hello and welcome to the forum Fernando.

I am Shane and I am from Gibraltar. I will email you in spanish shortly. I am in the process of setting up my gear for tuna fishing in the straits (El Estrcho) this summer. I am waiting for a 115 Mamba modified gun with 8mm shaft.

Hello Shaca,

Our rope were not 2mm stainless steel cable, the "standard" for this kind of tuna. We were using low resistance (100 to 200 kg) monofilaments not adapted to this fishing. And they broke.

Enzo from Maorisub speaks very highly of you and so do all the spanich spearfishermen I know.

Enzo was in La Coruña last month and we fish a whole saturday. You can see our captures in a video in www.pescasub.com

As I wrote, they were rumours and obviously, for a catch that big there will always be people who doubt you.

I do not know why. When I see news from somebody that have done anti-ethical things (like trying to use "yesterday-fishes" in a championship) I surprise myself of somebody doing such stupid thing that shows the kid of people they are.

I ahve one very important question.

The tuna pic attached weighed 220 kilos. I could keeo this tuna from sinking with one hand.

Tuna weights 20% in water, so 220 kg represents 44 kg in water. Very strong hand you have. We pass a very bad time pulling our tuna to the boat. Two people to do that.

How come the first 2 tuna you killed all sank taking the bouys?

The mono broke.

Were they not tied properly.

What thickness shaft did you use for the Sporasub Stealth?

I used 6.5 mm first shoot and 7mm second.

I will use 8 and 9mm next time.

Fernando Abella
Muchas Gracias Fernando,

Y siento si te he ofendido. Eres el mas grande. Cuando quieras pescar por aqui estaria encantado de conocerte.

Un Saludo

Congrat Fernando Abella:cool: Thats a hell big and nice fish:D

Hey shane what is this modified mambo numbo 5 gunrofl
A mamba modified gun is an airgun with a sealed piston. THis means that no water gets in when loading and increases shaft speed dramatically. Fernando's gun at 40atm with the mamba kit must be like a normal gun with 50 atm

A beast
vamos que siempre hay por ahi algunos celosos que inventan historias para minimizar grandes hechos que ellos no pueden igualar.

Los que sabemos de la pesca y de su etica nos entendemos.

Bravo por el magnifico atun!


Originally posted by shaneshac
Muchas Gracias Fernando,

Y siento si te he ofendido. Eres el mas grande. Cuando quieras pescar por aqui estaria encantado de conocerte.

Un Saludo


Hello Shaca,

I am not offended. Sorry If it seems so. It is just to stop the disemination of the story. People start to pass the word and at the end, your magazine editors around the globe ask you if you really are saying the truth in your article or if I am a guy like the famous one that published "invented" articles. As it is my hobby, not my work, I am serious about it ;-))

I am not "big" but in weight :). It is just my first tuna and any of the serious BW spearos is better than I am. I only like to continue to be happy with the spearfishing. And tuna is a new territory to explore.

Anyway Tuna is easier than sea bass hunting !!

Yes. It is. You only need patiente.

Hey Fernando and Shane!

I haven't been around lately, busy with my own site so I've missed the posts...

First of all, congrats to Fernando once more for the magnificent catch - I was amazed by the fact that you've landed the tuna with stock spearguns.
And yes, there were rumors - when the site was still in english I got a pile of mails pushing me to declare the fact it's a fake. Well I didn't do it, cause I was presonally convinced that the story is just like you've told it to me. I would have never published it if I wasn't sure! So at first I replied to those mails, but after some point I just ignored them... We have this saying - envy dies last!
So - end of this subject!

Shane - this new gun of yours? Is it a CO2 gun or a compressed air gun? And do you "pump it" or it uses a precompressed O2/CO2 tank?

Originally posted by Wishbone
The fact that it's not eligable wouldn't change the weight of the fish, man... And what else to compare it with? :confused:

Dont get worked up wishbone....

FYI this isnt the first 600+ # bluefin taken. Thats what Im comparing it with. Check the IUSA records to see. It was a magnifecent catch none the less and that was my biggest point which you seemed to have missed.
Sorry mate,

Cant really get your point...
You told me you didn't like the comparison with the WR and now you're sending me to compare it with the very same record I've already compared it with... :duh
My comment (from many months ago) was related only to your disagreement to compare it with the WR and not whether it's awesome catch or not. There can't be any doubt about that!
Anyways..... Forget it! :)

Fernando... Confess before the community - how did you cook it!? :D
welcome back ivan. We worried about you;) your site is down too... Anyway have a cup of tea/coffe or whatever you like and watch the fun:D
Nothing to worry about man! Just one huge pile of problems at work! :)

The site is up and running already after the reconstruction.. But only in Bulgarian for the moment! :hungover

Oh... And thanks for the coffee! ;)
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