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300lb yellow fin

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Hells bells! is there anything else you can say?
Alison tip!
If your after these things bring water ski's and have some extra fun while keeping out of the way of the Tigers!
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that tiger shark is a monster.. ive seen about 8 and they all seem like little puppies compared to that one.

The guy in the story about the tuna Greg pickering recently got attacked by a small whaler shark in bit him twice which is requiring greg to have surgery :(

best of luck greg

Reading the article, with its mentions of other giant tuna and wahoo being shot during the trip I get the impression that these guys probably shot 1000 lbs apiece. Maybe I am wrong about this, I hope so. But if not, it is this kind of behavior that is eventually going to result in our sport being banned all over the world. It is often possible to take an obscene amount of fish given optimal conditions. This should not equate to permissible.

For all the lip service given to conservation, the majority of people I have hunted with over the years have been fundamentally tigger-happy. I can't deny taking a few regretable shots myself. It is incredibly tempting to take a shot on a big fish given the opportunity. But if you've already boated a few good fish, maybe you should give it a miss.

I understand that overall the environmental impact of what these guys are doing is fairly small. There are not many people in the world with the requisite skill to freedive for big yellowfin. However in many other cases our impact can be quite large. A few spearfishmen can quickly take all of the big grouper off of a section of reef. Beyond this, there are the issues of waste and excess. It is hard to imagine how one can hope that the general public will not have a hostile opinion of such publicity. We are users of a public resource in an era when more and more powerful pressure groups (animal-rights, misguided yuppies, even many mainstream environmental groups) are pushing for no-take zones and non-consumptive uses of these resources. If we're gonna resist this kind of pressure we're gonna need a good public image. Buffalo-hunter bullshit aint gonna cut it.

Now I read about guys taking marlin and sailfish, terrible food fish, for the sake of trophies. It seems to me that if we are driven by the trophy hunting ethic we will be doomed to the same fate the african hunters faced. Fuck records, hunt for your own satisfaction. If you wanna take a big yellowfin, great, 100 lbs of sashimi and a hell of a challange. But if you're gonna keep shooting em, cause you want one which is 20 pounds larger for the books, or you shoot every big grouper you see because you are capable of it, you're gonna be screwing all of the rest of us in the long term.
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Recently ( am month or something???) some spanish guys speared a 279 kilo tuna... thats like 600 pounds (?)
I will post up a picture soon :D
This Photo doesnt really do the fish justice


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He stoned it!!!!

The fish died and sank breaking the shooting line in process. His buddies fast acting with second shot, and noosing the tail, was what ensured the catch.
Amazing- That will feed alot of family members- Just too cool!! Or will mercury levels be too high?
WE caught one on rod and reel the same size this summer. It was really nice to eat.

Never checked for Mercury :(

That will feed a whole army HEHEHE

There are much bigger monsters swimming about over 400-500 kilos

We see what one looks like in the water
I will need it!

I am getting my setup ready at the mo for next month. Going for two large bouys (bodyboards) and a parachute

Currently organising my second gun
Shane I wish i could get out more - Just bought a home that needs attention and to keep the wife happy I know I will be buzy painting and fixin. Be safe and Shoot straight.
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If you are going ot be shooting huge Tuna I think 2 bodya boards is not enough :S
Just a thought, might not be correct
1 body board was held down by a 93 kilo tuna for a whole hour

My thinking is if I have one bodyboard, bungee to a parachute and then bungee to the next bodyboard, the braking power of parachute will not allow tuna to take second board down.

I could always go Jaws stye with some oil drums ;)
Did anyone ever use truck inner tubes. Do they pop after going soo deep. We use them alot for swimming and winter sleding.

I reallly think they will work a tractor trailer inner tube??
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