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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Over ten years of water under the bridge. One difference; I moved the rope a meter deeper. The other; it took twice as long to clear. 65 meters in 3:15 on Sunday. First thought, I've never been below 70.
Share some great memories with me if you like. The old man still has dreams.
I bow to you Sir.

My dream: to hit that dive where everything, every little facet and detail just clicks along perfectly. I'm nowhere near my max yet (my technique is rather lacking) and have a lot to work on.

When I do one of the 'good' dives I'm smiling like a maniac on surfacing - I'm constantly searching for that dive.

Your story is great inspiration
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In golf, the feat of "shooting your age" is considered quite a challenge... diving your age when you are over 60 is also quite the task and was awesome that you did that at 64 a decade ago!!

It seems that you have long dive times / breath hold... So as long as you can equalize ok at that depth, perhaps you can still variable weight your age!!!!

IF you consider doing it... Get LOTS of footage for a YouTube video!

Whaddya think?
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