hello friends
i am working on a new gun at home for about 2-3 weeks.i am planning to do all things at home wood' work,also. i need help on trigger mechanism i need a strong and durable one..any can attach here some trigger mechanism
my configrations will be like this:
spear:10 mm 83'' long(at the end puntatuna with steel rope )
6x16 mm power latex(long will be 70''/3.5x2= 40'' each.i use this formula)
the trigger mechanism(????????????????)
thank you who help me now on.
my email
i am working on a new gun at home for about 2-3 weeks.i am planning to do all things at home wood' work,also. i need help on trigger mechanism i need a strong and durable one..any can attach here some trigger mechanism
my configrations will be like this:
spear:10 mm 83'' long(at the end puntatuna with steel rope )
6x16 mm power latex(long will be 70''/3.5x2= 40'' each.i use this formula)
the trigger mechanism(????????????????)
thank you who help me now on.
my email
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