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94 year old man saves drowing woman

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New Member
Oct 4, 2006
Here in Ukiah, California we have a 94 year old man named Max that is still pumping iron at the gym. He is strong as a horse and swims about a mile or more at our local lake most every day.
A couple of weeks ago he pulled a drowning woman out of the lake gave her CPR and saved her life.
This guy eats right and takes care of his body. his girlfriend is in her 60's. we tease him that he is robbing the cradle. lol
The moral of this story is take care of yourself and you can dive until..............
The moral of this story is take care of yourself and you can dive until..............
You're as old as Bill Mac Sorry Bill!

I saw a woman on the morning news a month or so ago from Australia who was 90 something and she was still competing in athletic tournaments, throwing the hammer and the high jump. Just goes to show what could happen
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