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A big pike

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Kinky, how do you eat them?
I've eaten them in German restaurants, very nice, do you cook them whole or fillets or steaks?
@devondave: I cook them whole.

First of all you must fill the stomach of the pike with garlic, tomatoes, thymus, basil, mint, salt, pepper in grains, capers and olive oil.

Then put the fish in the oven for 60 minutes. Temp. 200° C.

You can eat them with a mediterranean salse: olive oil, capers, parsley. Put them in a mixer and create a green cream.
When in the oven - cover the pike with thin slices of bacon itselv overlapping ... excellent and the pikle will not get dry.
Thanks, to both of you, those recipes sound great.
We can't spear freshwater fish in the UK, but if I can get hold of a pike I'll try those out.
Beautiful pike, man! Congrats. :friday
Can you tell the story of the hunt?
Thanks, to both of you, those recipes sound great.
We can't spear freshwater fish in the UK, but if I can get hold of a pike I'll try those out.

I would love to get one on the fly rod but we have no pike in jersey:waterwork
Beautiful pike, man! Congrats. :friday
Can you tell the story of the hunt?

I was laying down at 4 m and waiting for fish close to a wide area covered with tall seaweeds.

I was looking at the top of them but no fish was coming to me.

I don't know why but suddenly I moved my head to my left. So I saw this big pike laid down close to me among the seaweeds.

Then I slowly moved my speargun towards him. When it was aligned with the big pike I pressed the trigger.

I was lucky because my spear cut the fish backbone. Therefore, it was very easy for me to take him.
Hook and lure is not the same as hunting down a prey in their own territory.
My respect goes to the hunter.
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