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A Charming 'Bubbler'

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
'Flattie Bashing' as he put's it is the whole reason we are looking/fighting a possible ban in West Wales...
Brilliant - he gets a bit angry very quickly don't he???!??!

What a muppet, especially as the majority of us eat every thing we shoot and don't just do it for sport!
I suspect the guy isn't likely to ever likely to ever become a flattie basher, I think he was just a first class dick head who thought he would try to make himself look impressive. I would love to see him posting on ice climbing forums rofl
Yeah sorry I deleted it, didn't really see it helping anyone as it was winding people up
Posted via Mobile Device
the problem is he probably doesnt have a static IP address, and will be more than likely in a range