kale said:
I am not too sure if I should get the enclosed track or carbon fiber, do these options have any major advantages.
Thanks again,
The enclosed track thing is tricky. He has "semi-enclosed track" guns, meaning that the wood butt has an enclosed track, but that are not magnums.
Here is the one in the length you want.
H-SEMHT55 Hybrid - Semi Enclosed Track, Mid Handle,
Titanium Barrel "The G.R. Gun" 55 inch $699.00 5/16" diam
I may be missing something, but I'm not sure why that has an big advantage over the regular hybrids with open track. I guess it might enable you to use thicker bands with the thin 9/32" shaft and keep it from oscillating, but the track is cut for 5/16". Since the gun is not really apprecially heavier than the regular hybrids, I would think rocoil might be a problem with that shaft. Of course a lot of guys in Florida swear by them, and in fact he made them to satisfy a demand.
Anyway, if I were going to get semi-enclosed track in that length of a gun, I think I'd go all the way and get the magnum so as to have the extra ballast. You can use either shaft in the track, but whichever one you use, it will have less recoil than if it didn't have the ballast.
I suppose I should say that I do have the semi-enclosed track gun, non-magnum, in the 50" length, and I love it. Enclosed tracks make it easier to load if they do nothing else. Once you get the shaft into the track, you can't miss the trigger mechanism. And if the mono falls off the muzzle where it holds the shaft down, the shaft doesn't try to flop off of the muzzle. But my 50 is custom in that the track is cut for 9/32" anyway. I do use three 5/8" bands, but I think a 5/16" shaft would be pushing it.
So I guess I've gone in circles and found other reasons for enclosed track, but I would still go all the way and get the magnum.
Carbon fiber vs. titanium. Carbon fiber is stiffer, tougher, and prettier, but its also more expensive. I have both, and I can't say that I can tell the difference in performance. I'd get the carbon fiber is you can afford it.
Oops, this will probably really confuse the issue, but there is one more advantage to the enclosed track guns, whether or not they are magnums. Take a look at the two guns on the left side of my photo. The one on the far left is the 50" enclosed track. The one next to it is the 55" open track. Notice the butt extension and cap on the 55. The enclosed track guns don't have that extension, so the trigger mechanism is two inches farther back that on the same length gun with the butt extension, which gives two inches more band stretch, which means more power. How much more? I don't know.
I hope this wasn't too confusing.
And like Miles said, you could always get a Euro type gun for a lot less money.