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A little help please...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Nov 12, 2003
Can anybody advise me of any free diving schools in the london area i.e. pool based initially.

I am completely new to the sport, even that flatters me :)

But I am fascinated by the water and breath-holding.

I am not lookng to dive very deep necessarily, more to get to a stage where I might be able to do some unassisted open ocean free diving for fun and swim 50m plus underwater in a pool.

The spiritual/yoga aspects to this I find particularly interesting - anyone got any advice/pointers in this regard?

Sorry to invade a forum that clearly is very valuable to the free diving world, but you gotta start somewhere :)
There are about four freediving groups that get together in the London area, and I think the Richmond one is best for beginners. Their details are on the British Freediving Association website. I have been going there for a few months now and have learnt a lot.
Cheers for that Guy, I have been in contact with Steve regarding the Richmond training sessions and am very much looking forward to learning a few techniques etc.
Originally posted by samdive
Also check out www.saltfreedivers.com
we will be running some AIDA courses in the New Year


Thanks for that - the quarry looks really cool. After I have improved my static and dynamic a bit in the pool, I think it could be a great opportunity :)

I will certainly look out for any courses in the new year.
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