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A very nice man...

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Tom Arnold
Oct 11, 2002
Before I moved to Suffolk (UK), I lived in Devon for all of my 22 years of life so far. I was in Exeter in July, and I went into the dive shop on Fore Street. I asked the man in the shop if they had any freediving fins in stock. He told me that he didn't actually work there, but that he just happened to be a freediver! Of all the people who could have been in that shop at that time, it just so happened that I had asked a freediver! God works in mysterious ways! We got chatting, and when he found out that I was a beginner and very keen to learn as much as I could, he offered to give me some general freediving advice over a cup of coffee. He bought me a coffee and gave me a two-hour lesson on freediving techniques, with written notes and physical demonstrations! He was very generous and kind, and he helped me so much. I have been freediving and training ever since, and a lot of that is thanks to this man. All I know is that his name is John and that he trained for a while with Ahron Solomons. I would really like to get in touch with him to thank him for his help and to meet up and go diving if he's around in the UK or the USA. If you're out there John, please get in touch.
All the best,
Tom Arnold.
Hi Tom, I am not the man you met, but I could have been! What I mean is that almost every freediver I have ever met is eager to share and help, even amongst competitors at competitions.
I hope your friend shows up again :)
Erik Y.
Hi Tom... I am not your guy...sorry, but Ia min Exeter!! So hope John is here still...I am lacking a freediving buddy...I took one of my friend to the beach and put all the gear on him and pushed into water..he really enjoyed it and is interested to know about tehcniques....especially "Longer bottom time.."
Did you go diving in exeter area?? I have been diving in sidmouth... and it is rather shallow... I would like to know some good places to go around Devon/Cornwall area..?
Safe diving to you all!
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