So I received my brand spanking new Crist spear: 6 footer, two piece breakdown with the 12" single flopper shaft. The thing is built like Captain Ahab's harpoon; it is pretty intimidating. The spear has very nice mass to it and is well balanced. The band it comes with is freaking grunty as hell; I no longer doubt those stories of people using this spear and fish ending up almost halfway down the pole. The spear comes with a hex wrench as well two spare set screws to secure the shaft to the pole. One extremely minor gripe I had was with the decal on the spear. I am not a fan of decals so I removed it for aesthetic purposes with some WD-40 (just make to thoroughly rinse off the spear with soap and water). BTW the floppered shaft is perfectly tuned too! I am soooooo stoked to have this spear!! I'm planning on maybe purchasing a Patco broadhead tip as well. I think that with the mass and speed of the Crist polespear augmented by the penetration of the broadhead would equal total devastation on a medium to large fish. But maybe it's just my fantasy of holding a harpoon that is biasing me towards buying that broadhead tip.... ;P