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Abilities of World Class Spearfisherman

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Student Spearfisherman
Apr 7, 2005
What abilities do world class spearfisherman have? Dive times, depths, breath up times etc.
JPPLAY said:
What abilities do world class spearfisherman have? Dive times, depths, breath up times etc.
My opinion by experience? Nothing about that: what makes those guys special is their sense of fish.
If you refer to those who win championships and stuff, of course they have good bottom times, hunt comfortably 30 meters deep or even more if necessary, can perform all the different techniques and dive with an "aquaticity" that's close to perfection. But this is the minimum to start a competition, not the plus to win it.

What makes them special is the sense of fish, their knowledge, their understanding of the sea environment and of fish behaviour. Which means: they can "read" the terrain, guess where the fish are, tell where tey will come from and how they will react to weather, tides et cetera.
I've been toying with competitions in the past, and what marked the difference between me and the winning ones, was that they were capable to fullfill their fish stringers in places where I couldn't find any fish at all.
Reactions: deep thinker
Dont you just envy that...
You meet these guys and they just seem comfortable where ever they find themselfes in the water. I think it mite also be because of their confidence in their skills and knowledge, something that can only be gained through countless hours in the water and a born in conection to the ocean and their surroundings...
I'd say experience... The more time you spend in the water the better spearo you will be. I guess spearfishing is one of the few activities where age actually helps.
What Spaghetti said is true, but this sense of fish is achieved through many hours of diving and being among the fish... They are the best teachers we can have

That is a great post, I definitly agree with that. One of my friends in Brazil, he once told me, I can sense the fish or weather there is fish around or not. His fish stringer is always full, so it hard for me to not to belive him.
Native of Riviera(South of France) I began my spearfishing as a little boy... So I entirely agree with Spaghetti who is layng great stress on the enigmatic and basic "sense of fish". In my opinion this quality is 10% unborn and 90% expanded by observing/understanding the fish behaviours (eating and breeding). In Mediterranean See (Italy especially) the fish is rare, deep and fearfull... so spearos does'nt have other option. But we should not forget that the observant is also observed by the fish whose behaviour could be modified by theses repetitive interactions. Spearfishing in Med. See gives rise to a lot of anedoctes.
Virgili said:
Spearfishing in Med. See gives rise to a lot of anedoctes.
So let's hear your anedoctes, c'mon. I'm curious babout these stories...
Spontaneously, I'm thinking about one of my favorite fish: sar/sargo (see bream) wich is able to manage the distance with the spearo according to the length of the gun/shaft...or a sargo school runing away in a flash, after a little scout of the school went to observe the spearo hidden behind a rock and despite a perfect "aspetto".. and you?
these guys summed it up, so come down here and learn how to hunt in a totally different enviroment

fish have a way of finding you before you find them, i cant begin to remember how many times ive looked behind me to see nice fish swimming off, after checking me out allready while i was in what i thought was the perfect aspetto place, learning the enviroment the fish live in plays a big part in learning how to get them, sometimes i'll bring in a stringerfull and other people wont get any, because they dont know the area, or they dont understand the fish, and sometimes i go out with guys that make me feel like a complete newbie to spearing, their 6th sense is so in tune it isnt funny. but yknow what they say, practice makes perfect
"Practice makes perfect", an age old saying but I have been avidly practicing for 35 years & there are a lot of better spearos than I will ever be!
"They", must have something I dont!
There's one story told by italian Bellani after he won the 2004 Worlds in Chile, pacific ocean, hunting fishes tha don't exist in his home waters: cabrillas, mulatas, what are they? Well, he said he had spent the week before the competition moslty watching how the weed was swinging in the current. He had only a few days to find out a strategy to win the world championship in a totally unknown environment, and how did he make it? Watching the weed! Jeez...
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He mustuv been smoking the weed actually!! rofl

Like daamn tho!!
Pure Luck!
Many of the best spearos in the world,
are not known and dive for food, so you can say
they are hungry for fish.
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