The kids are picking on me again.
I headed out yesterday with Dam Nguyen and Miguel Tesoro. The water looked clear, it was glassy calm, and things looked propitious.
I think I had only made about 6 or 8 dives when Miguel called that he had one and could use some help. As I swam over to him, Dam was about 50 yards beyond him and said he had one too. Miguel and I spent about 30 minutes cutting his fish out, and meanwhile Dam retrieved his own and swam to the boat.
After Miguel was on the way to the boat, I resumed hunting for my own, but never saw a one. I think the commotion of their two fish fighting must have cleared out the bed. Of course there is always the possibility that I suck, but Dam went back out with his camera and didn't see any either.
I felt bad for the guys just waiting for me, so we went to another spot where I thought it would be more likely that they could see a yellowtail while I hunted my white, but that didn't work either, so we came in early. I got a guest slip and am going back today, but maybe I won't let my buddies enter the water until I shoot one.
Dam said his fish was in a school of 6 or 7 and had a bigger one behind it, but he settled for the 48 pounder nearest to him. Miguel said his was a single, and it weighed 46. Or at least I think that's what they said. All the weighing and picture taking went on while I was in the water.
Dam was using his 50" Wong GR hybrid with 9/32" shaft, Mori tip, and a reel, while Miguel was using a 55" Wong magnum hybrid with the same setup. It didn't matter what I was using.
Dam took some nice photos.
I headed out yesterday with Dam Nguyen and Miguel Tesoro. The water looked clear, it was glassy calm, and things looked propitious.
I think I had only made about 6 or 8 dives when Miguel called that he had one and could use some help. As I swam over to him, Dam was about 50 yards beyond him and said he had one too. Miguel and I spent about 30 minutes cutting his fish out, and meanwhile Dam retrieved his own and swam to the boat.
After Miguel was on the way to the boat, I resumed hunting for my own, but never saw a one. I think the commotion of their two fish fighting must have cleared out the bed. Of course there is always the possibility that I suck, but Dam went back out with his camera and didn't see any either.
I felt bad for the guys just waiting for me, so we went to another spot where I thought it would be more likely that they could see a yellowtail while I hunted my white, but that didn't work either, so we came in early. I got a guest slip and am going back today, but maybe I won't let my buddies enter the water until I shoot one.
Dam said his fish was in a school of 6 or 7 and had a bigger one behind it, but he settled for the 48 pounder nearest to him. Miguel said his was a single, and it weighed 46. Or at least I think that's what they said. All the weighing and picture taking went on while I was in the water.
Dam was using his 50" Wong GR hybrid with 9/32" shaft, Mori tip, and a reel, while Miguel was using a 55" Wong magnum hybrid with the same setup. It didn't matter what I was using.
Dam took some nice photos.