What, who is Abzilla? first sighted in the late 50's near the farrallons, by navy divers checking radiactive debris, dumped in the water there, Abzilla was first thought to be a medium sized rock until startled, It moved with supernatual speed and agility away from one of the split open barrels of radioactive material, divers estimated it's size at 6 inches tall and 15 inches around. It's movements so quick that the diver could not keep up. It looked like a normal abalone, however it had two tusks coming out of the shell near it's mouth.
Through the years Abzilla has been sighted from the Farralones to Pt Arena at differant times. Known for the two tusks and a prodigus libido, Abzilla is thought to be the father of more abalone than any other abalone. It is said when abzilla arrives in an area all the young female abalone start twisting in there shells.
After years of tracking it is known that in the late summer and early fall Abzilla arrives on the Sonoma coast to start his harem, hearding all the female abalone to one spot with his zombie teeth, his shell turns bright Red, and he fends off all other male abalone and also capazone that are in the area, two deep puncture marks have been found on random capazone at this time of year.
Lately Abzilla being old and tired has been getting cranky and taking it out on any one who has come near, divers have reported reaching under rock getting it stuck and pulling out a hand bloody with the tell tale signs of two deep puncture wounds.
Undaunted groups of people have tried to capture Abzilla from the marine enviroment, this randy rouge is both admired and feared by these groups, but none has come close to sighting and controlling Abzilla.
With more people on the coast, and this rouge abalones actions being more erratic it is only a matter of time before something happens, Who will be the next group to try to save the Sonoma Coast from this wild menace?