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Acronym game ....

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Early advances really make uniform fighting forces secretive.

bahahaha, rabbit's eating earmuffs, love it!
ARGH! I didn't highlight a word!! Sorry!!!!!

Eleanor turned eratic, rightly Nicholas (Cage) applied linkage leverage, Yeah!!!
Openly Ripping Gaseous Ass Nukes Is Cool. :friday

Hibernation is over!! I want fish. :martial
Perforce, leave emergency area, silly everyone!

In honor of the morons who think it's smart to sit and watch a grass fire that's fifty feet away, down slope, in high winds!

Even Xenophobes Eventually Come Underwater To Explore Deeper

Nothing related to freediving
XRays Expose Not Only Pelvises, Humerus, Occipitals But Expose Shoulders
Dunno if an ampersand is permitted but i didn't use it
Nothing related to freediving
XRays Expose Not Only Pelvises, Humerus, Occipitals But Expose Shoulders
Dunno if an ampersand is permitted but i didn't use it


Other Commuters Can Intercept Privately Intentioned Talk About Life's Secrets
In nineteen twenties England, rugby captains expected preferential treatment.

....and rightly so.
Inconceivably naive visitors initiate noisome, cacophonous interactions before leaving everything.
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