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Advice buying fins for Mozambique.

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New Member
Mar 28, 2006
Im currently organising a spearing trip to Mozambique and am looking at buying a new set of fins for the trip. Here in the UK i use omer ice fins, i find them great for long surface swims and getting down to around 10/12 meters. I never find the need to dive any deeper here. But i have found when pushing off of the bottom and kicking for the surface i sometimes overpower the ice fins.

I already have a pair of black esclapez fins (bought them by error as a total newbie) i find the esclapez hard work on my ankles, they seem stiff and clumsy compared to the ice fin. Not much return for the force and effort you put into a stroke.

What im after ideally is a pair of fins for blue water diving that will comfortably get me to 15meters as this is the depth the flashers will be set at and i would also like to have a go at some deeper dives (i want to make the most of the good vis and see if i can cut the mustard when it comes to going deeper depths.)

I would say my length strength is pretty good as im only 22, work outdoors, play rugby and like my fitness in general.(if thats of any use)

I've been reccommended C4 fins but i was after a few more opinions from you guys. Is it also worth considering other carbon fins or looking at fiberglass, omer bat or pegaso?!

Thanks guys

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Hi Janner,

Im from SA and I would advise that you get fins which are practically indistructable as the airport company baggage handlers here in SA are not too careful with fragile goods. I personally use fibreglass blades with no difficulties down to 27-34m. I find carbon fins do not like knocks too much.

In Mozambique, I doubt you will be diving much deeper than 20m, so your Ice fins will be good enough. Remember that should you suffer from blisters etc, it can really mess up you holiday. I would suggest you take the fins you normally use - if you absolutely have to buy fins, get those with the most comfortable foot pocket.

I have friends who use Ice fins down to 25m - no problem, although I would recommend that you stop pushing off the bottom with your fins - you will eventually trash them. If you do this in Moz - especially with the coral, carbon fins will fail - they also make a horrible noise against the reef.

Hope this helps.

Hope you get a GOOD GT
In general your Ice fins will be perfect for the job in open water and not to much actual reef crawling. If you are hitting the pelagics then you will not be kicking off the bottom! You did not mention whether you are mostly shore diving or boat diving? A lot of the guys dive with whatever they have because they lose a lot of kit in the surf (surf is never really smaller than 2ft) and don't have the cash to replace expensive fins, not ruin their best open water pair. The boat scene is obviously different to the shore diving. If you are hitting crays also while diving on the inshore reefs then you will have contact with the reef and scratches and gouges readily occur due to the razor clams, mussles etc.
I would suggest speaking to a few of the boys in Salt Rock as they are pretty experienced on the whole coastline Salt Rock Spearfishing Club - Home
Have you seen the DVD African Blue Water Special DVD with the segment on The Pinnacle? It's a good clip with Barry Skinstad doing what he does best.
Hi guys, thanks for the replys. I thought this post had been ignored and forgotten

Most of the diving will be blue water diving for pelagics. But we may venture closer into shore for a day or two to dive on shallow reefs. I think i'll definitely take my ice fins and price up the c4's as next year i'll have the opportunity to dive off of a boat regulary here in the UK even if i don't get them for Moz.

Spadefish, which fiberglass fins do you use and what sort of stiffness are they?

SurfnSpear, can't say i've seen the African Bluewater DVD, sounds interesting though. I need to get a few things off of amazon so i'll look the dvd up.
Hi Janner,

The fins I use cone from a local outfitter (Orca Trading - not sure if they are included no their web page - just Google 'Orca Trading'). They are STIFF.

I am fairly sure they get them from Italy, but am not sure of the actual manufacturer.

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