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african pompano

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Jul 5, 2005
i can honestly say, for my hunting, a reel is perfect !!! nailed this guy on a small fish dive, was about a 15 minute fight (i dont handle fish rough, after fishing most of my life, ive learned that taking my time ensures a much better catch rate) i was able to brain him, throw him on the stringer along with a cero mack and a couple of parrotfish, and head to shore... also got buzzed by a VERY fast, very excited reef shark, who hung out around me for a few minutes, that was pretty cool too.

anyways, the african pompano was shot just off a ledge, about 50 feet deep, but i shot him in midwater.. not much of a challenge to stalk, as they are rather curious fish, he came about 10 feet away from me then went broadside, i pondered a headshot, but i shot a much larger one once and the spear bounced off his head, so i took a safer backbone shot, which actually missed the backbone (nicked the bottom of it)

also got my first cubera a couple days back, just under 9 lbs, if i can find the pic on this comp i'll post it too, this year so far is really looking up for me


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Here in Florida these are a protected species. I see them all the time (taunting me) but we aren't allowed to harvest them.
ouch.. i dont see them that often here, yesterday was the first ive seen more than 1 actually (6 in a school) and thats only the 2nd one ive got.. i could have got another one after that, but hey, there will be other hunting days

the spearos down here dont usually shoot them, they dont dive with a reel or floatline.. somewhat silly imo, because when they do see bigger fish, they cant take a decent shot for the most part.
Nice catch mate... but taking ur time in killing the fish would yeild u a better tasting fish! The longer the fish runs, the more time she would have for the adrenaline to run thru her body muscles which would affect the quality of its meat

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