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AIDA Ireland

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
Hi All,

We are trying to organise an AIDA Ireland so that we can start to get some structure for all you freedivers / spearos out there who would like to compete. Currently bacause we don't have any AIDA recognition we can't compete or create any Irish Records. To get AIDA Ireland up and running we need to submit an application to AIDA. One of the requirements is a list of the members. Can I ask all you guys/girls out there who are interested in getting this set-up and would like to join to please send me your emails. This way I can get an idea of the numbers and also I can keep you informed of the progress. Ultimately we may need more information later on but emails are good for now. Can I also ask that you spread the word on other forums likely to attract the attention of other Irish freedivers / spearo's.

If we can get this set-up I think it will lead the way to more structured freediving in Ireland with pool sessions and regular dives not just a hopefully email to 2 or 3 people looking for a quick dip.

Hope to hear from you all.


Thanks a million Trux, I got in touch with the owner of the AIDA Ireland link and he had made good progress. He even went as far as submitting an application however nothing has been heard since. I appreciate there are AIDA submission protocols to follow so it may be a case of tweaking them. First port of call was to see what the interest was like. I was also then concerned with asking for emails as my job entails information security and I am only to aware of spam mails etc and people be asked for their information. Just to alleviate any concerns I would hope people realise this is a genuine post and people who don't feel comfortable supplying their email can respond via this thread.

On a personal note I have read and been well educated from all your posts, thanks for sharing the knowledge.
But can anybody vouch for bite ya :)

Let us know the joining fee i'll join for a year if its only a few quid.

How far are you getting sorted?

Infact I'll give you a hand setting up if you can think of anything that needs doing

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Hiya Steve, an application has already be made to AIDA by Tony from UL Sub Aqua but there wasnt any response. There are certain criteria to be filled in and the only thing we need an example of is the list of statues required. We now have an example of this list so we are currently reviewing it. There was a members list already generated by Tony and I am trying to add to this. There is a once off joining fee to set-up AIDA Ireland of about €160. That's for all of us there doesnt seem to be any individual joining fee's. I am investigating this further so will let you know. I think the individual fee's maybe only needed when you are registering for an event.

I'll keep you informed of our progress.

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Rory, you may have troubles to get a timely response from AIDA, because several members of the Board have resigned, and their positions are vacant since several weeks/months. The Board was actually dissolved by the Assembly, and AFAIK, the new one was not established yet. We get very little info about what is happening - some of it you can see for example in this thread: http://forums.deeperblue.com/general-freediving/82907-stormy-days-aida.html

Just telling it so that you do not give up, if you do not get a quick reply. Hopefully, the new executive board will be in place and working soon again.
Hi Trux, I'm aware of the problems and have anticipated a delay in the response. Hopefully when the new board is selected they will have things running efficiently and we will get the response we are looking for and be up and running soon.

Thanks for the link, I have tried to find out what's going on or if there are any updates but everything seems to be very quiet?? Hopefully as said above this will be resolved soon.

Hi Rory sam mentioned you to me and I see you were on to Tony. I had treid this a while back and even got a contribution from a friend as membership. There are about 3-4 regulars here in Sligo training and about another 3 spaeros that i know of in the area. WE are currently sharing the local pool with the IT sligo sub aqua and had our first pool training night of this year last night. Because we are piggy backing I'd say we can take no more than 5-6 and we gib et teh IT club a contribution same as if we were using the pool.

As Trux said Aida is in a bit of flux at present. About a year ago or more I also sent in an application with statutes which were basicly words changed on the aida statutes with ireland filled in instead. the response I got back was to do more on the goals etc of the organisation. Even so a database here on db or elsewhere would be a good start but when we set up we would need to approach DAN or someone to offer insurance options etc otherwise there is very little benfit to it.

We very nearly had our first spearo/freedive meet here in Sligo last september but with weather so crap I took the surfboard out for the past few months instead. It's a defo for next year. I have a firends house near Mullaghmore where people could camp for free use house for cook showers etc. Other wise I would try to organise a meet somewhere like clare as a lot of the other spearos/freedivers are cork and kerry based so Sligo is a fair spin.

Kudos for pushing this a bit more but stay away from Steve Milliard he's a bit you know ??



Good looking

all of the above Steve and when are you coming to Ireland?
I honestly think we should do a trip next year. We could organise something in North Wales first then hop over on the ferry for a bit. I've still never been over there.

How far are you from a ferry terminal? Could do a bit of spearing and deep stuff too :)
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Hi Fearghus,

Thanks for the update, I got the previous application and it looks really good. I have asked for an example of a previously submitted application to give us an idea of what else we need to state and how best to incorporate everything AIDA is looking for in an application. Havent heard anything back yet, hopefully things will settle down there soon so we can progress with this and get us set-up ASAP.
Fully agree on the insurance side of things and absolute must priorty wise.

I think a meet is a great idea and I know UL sub-aqua were thinking along the same lines but for the pool disciplines. If we can get one or two of these set-up it will bring the freedivers/spearo's in Ireland together and we can start planning events for the future. At the moment it's quite disjointed with people scattered everywhere.

Thanks again for the application I'll keep you informed of the progress.

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