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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
May 9, 2003
About a year ago I joined the AIDAUSA, I didn't know
about the USAA. Then their website went away and I read
somewhere that USAA was the official group for the US.
Then while I was tring to research freediving in the olympics
I found that the AIDAUSA is still around and hosting the
Aloha games this weekend, the same weekend as the
US Nationals??? Anybody shine some light on this?
Why are they the AIDAUSA if the AIDA doesn't recognize them?

Seems like we are sinking our own ship.
I saw the listing of both. Since the USAA is the one for comps
what purpose does the AIDAUSA have? Seems like we should
all get on the same boat, run One yearly comp, have One website,
have One team, have One logo. I didn't see any of the other
countries with two.
Pool competition for the Aloha State Games was postponed until '05.
A combination of things. Lack of advanced entries, very expensive, inter-island travel is becoming near impossible and liability issues are the reasons that I remember. Wish I was in LA now.
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