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air from the eyes???

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New Member
Jun 16, 2009
I have been able to blow air out of my eyes as long as i can recall. I have even gone as far as to do circus tricks like spraying milk out of them. Ok so the milk is just bumb.. Can any one give me a good reason why i cant use this to dive deep with swim goggles like TYR products? So far I have made it past 50' with no noticable problems. It seems to save a lot of air and i dont have to think about how it works. It just happens on its own. Any warnings backed by experience or caes history would be great.
Mutant in need of info
What you're doing is not really that rare (although I'm not saying it's common). Your eyes have tear ducts and you can divert air/milk from your sinuses into those tear ducts. As for using this to go deep with swim goggles, I'm not sure if you would have the capability of pumping enough air into the goggles rapidly enough (maybe you can though, you would know better than I). I merely said that I'm not sure because the consequences of not being able to push enough air into the goggles could be really serious. You could permanently damage your eyes in the process. Possible effects could include everything from ruptured blood vessels to your eyes being sucked out of their sockets into the goggles by the pressure. Just considering the potential consequences, I'd go about experimenting VERY cautiously.

As for this ability increasing your depth capabilities, I would think that the additional effort required to use your tear ducts as air passages would probably offset any benefit that a decrease in mask volume may have. If you really want to go deep, get a really low volume freedive mask or go with the liquid goggles.

If you're just doing this because you can and it's cool then kudos to you. Just be cautious. And keep us updated of course.
Thanks for the info. Its been almost 2 years now that I have been diving deep enough to matter much. 30+ feet. I have been reluctant to use my mutant power due to possible infection from possibly contaminated water. I dont want to go screw something up in a random country with a resort nurse as my best hope.

It really is effortless with a good nose clip. Maintaining very slight positive pressure seems much better to my ears for fast descent. Not really doing harder repeated equlizations, but just one long slight push as i go down. I usely can go hands free. The eyes just do the whole thing on their own. If I have no clip on my nose in the pool the goggles suck uncomfotrabley on my eyes at just 12 feet. If it felt like that I woulnt even think this was an option

just glad its not simply dangerous
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