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All the gear - No idea!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
Hi all,

I have been introduced to spearfishing by my Dad and I immediately got obsessed. I am from Southampton and have been buying all my equipment over the last couple of months. I am all ready to go is there anyone else from my region or a club in Dorset maybe?

Where would be the best places to go?

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Yeah its my nickname from my Army days derives from my surname...

Thanks for the link mate.
Tunny, welcome! You'll find some excellent spearos on this site who can help with all your questions......If not, you might also try spearboard.com.....Southampton huh? I actually speared a little this past summer in the Channel Islands....Absolutely loved Gurnsey......take it easy brother....

*The Beast*
Welcome to deeperblue dude! No shortage of mates to keep you company here :friday
Hi Tunny, just saw your trip report on the Dorset thread. Glad to hear you had favourable conditions: good visibility. Typical, I just bought a shorter gun to handle poor vis. conditions. Has your Pa joined the forum too?
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