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Aloha From Hilo, HI

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New Member
May 8, 2008
Hey everybody! Thanks for having me on board. I'm looking to become a recreational freediving spearfisher and I'm just getting started. Lots of great information, thanks for that!

Aloha Myrrhlyn,

Its good to see another island spearo! You wont find a shortage of info or advice here!

My GF went to UH Hilo for 2 years so I got to spend a little time there. Sure is wet! It rained for 44 days straight during her last year of college. Ever get to dive south point?

Hey blaiz, thanks for the welcome! When I said I was starting, I meant REALLY just starting. My last experience in the water was only snorkeling, and that was probably more than 15 years ago! I went fishing with some buddies down at south point, and they went spearing, so that's what got me interested. I haven't been diving yet, but I'm reading up on all the info I can. I'll actually be leaving the island for about 2 or 3 months (business) but when I get back, I plan on getting all the equipment I need and heading back out to south point. You still on the big island?

No, Im on Maui now. Not quite as much fish as the BI but not a bad spot. I grew up on Kauai, and miss it very much! let me know if you are ever over my way!
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