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Andre Spearguns

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
I'm sure this has been asked before but whats the skinny on these guns . I see some nice stuff on Ebay. But have not even seen one around.... What gives..?
Andre Wickasana makes these guns in his own time in Bali. It's not a famous brand, not many people have heard about it. Maybe that's why you haven't heard of them.
Last Friday I dove with a guy who used one. It looked very nice as far as I could tell.
I'm sure this has been asked before but whats the skinny on these guns . I see some nice stuff on Ebay. But have not even seen one around.... What gives..?
hello i had some russians customers over here with a bunch of andre` bought in bali ..


they were happy with it..the tips are nice.
the wood are not same qualitys as top of the alexander`s but are cheapest..
Great photos.... Well I bought one off Ebay.....?

We shall see..... I'll post up some photos when she gets here....!
I just bought the 145 Gold series....will get a chance to use it during next week's safari trip.

I should have some pictures by then (maybe video as well) but I will surely post results of this Andre gun.

For what it's worth, I bought it directly from Andre but the service was not that great...the guy is polite and all...but service is a bit on the slow side.

The gun looks & feels beautiful...but let's see how it performs.

So far, the only other wooden gun I tried with excellent results is the G.I.M.A.N. Dentex 100...........if the guy (Ivan) made them in 120 cm size with 3xbands....I would have bought his gun.......it is just dead accurate.

This was a shot from 4 meters.

Till Next Time

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