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Another Capetown Shark attack

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2003

At about 2 pm this afternoon, a 16 year old surfer was attacked by a great white shark off Muizenburg beach in Cape Town, one of the provinces most popular surf spots.

The shark broke his board in half, and took the surfers right leg.
He is currently fighting for his life in Constansia Medi-clinic, and is in a critical condition.

On behalf of the freediving community, our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this time.

Hi All

Just an update. The surfer is still on a ventilator, his condition has been described as critical but stable. The fact that he has survived the 24 hrs I hope is a sign that he is going to make it.


Hi Alison

Now been exactly a week, he's still unconcious and on a ventilator in intensive care, but the medical staff are saying that his condition remains stable, but his system is just too weak to be taken off life support to cope with the massive trauma.

Will keep you posted.

Thanks Jeff
I had an experience with a Moray a couple of weeks ago, big big one swimming in the open came to investigate me at very close quarters, spent about 30 seconds looking in at me through my mask. Made me feel very humble, so this young lad in your town has struck a chord with me, sure hope he gets it all together again when he rejoins us.
Makes me glad I'm not a surfer in Cape Town, although I wouldnt mind doing a dive or 2 there, try to get a glimpse of one of those puppies... They hang out off the New England coast occasionally, and every time I've gone shark fishing I've hoped to catch a glimpse of one, but alas, it hasnt happened yet. I hope the kid pulls through, he's got a lot of life to live yet.
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