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Another Hogfish

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The boys are back in town
Jul 11, 2004
K now this recipe isnt entirely detailed cause of chef friend of mine prepared it in his restaurant for us (its kinda cool having the waiter tell you're table you have your own special of the night).. anyway, it was so damn good i had to put it up.

Basically the ingredients included two hogfish fillets, crab meat, arugula, sun-dried tomato tapenade (big word for me)..and some spices..

Basically he layered it.. fillet, then crab and arugula, fillet, then the tapenade.. seasoned it all, and baked it.

He had a side sauce which was the baking juices w saffron in it to drizzle over.

Sorry for the lack of quantity/temp/time details.. but i was enjoying a cold amstel light at the time this was all goin on. :friday

Anyway.. i thought it was the hum diggity.. if any one tried it out at home lemme know how it went.
Sounds real good, but I need to get closer to the keys, and be a better cook to freestyle it like that.
Sounds real good, but I need to get closer to the keys, and be a better cook to freestyle it like that.

Freestyling wouldn't bother me but getting a hogfish would be a challenge. I tried to shot one several times down in Baja but the little SOB would dive into a crevice every time. Up here, it's too cold for them but I bet the same idea would work on lots of other species.
Thanks for sharing, drinkunbda. I can get the jist of things with that description.

Truth is though, you could dip a hogfish in mud and fry it in snot and it would still taste good. So white and flakey, you can't go wrong. Sarge, best way to kill a hogfish is to stalk him while he f@#king with a stingray. See video (at minute 2:31).

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_RYEdR4qvQ]YouTube - Little Cayman - 2006 June - "Sealife"[/ame]
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Thanks for sharing, drinkunbda. I can get the jist of things with that description.

Truth is though, you could dip a hogfish in mud and fry it in snot and it would still taste good. So white and flakey, you can't go wrong. Sarge, best way to kill a hogfish is to stalk him while he f@#king with a stingray. [/url]

LOL I feel the same way about triggerfish! Mmm-mm!
hmm ya we get a few triggerfish here... greys,.. a lot of durgeons.. which ones you get and how big are they? ocean? reef? kelp? (dont say kelp cause we dont have any)
I'm not sure which species of triggerfish we get here. They do occur but they are summer visitors. I've done my triggerfish hunting in the Gulf of California where they seem to hang around rocky reefs, especially sand flats. Again, I have no idea of the variety.
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