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Another must-read, this time from New Zealand

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Ted Budion

Menace from the South
Aug 24, 2004
On the same tracks of our own Eric Smith spearfishing epic, Darren Shields, the most noted spearfisherman from New Zealand, has just published in Kiwi-land. "Chase the Adventure". I'm devouring it. Definitively a must-read. It has, like they say there, heaps of great stories. Publishers are The Halcyon Press, NZ. A must in any spearo's library.

I don't think they're sold outside NZ yet, but since we've got few dive shop owners from the UK, Malta and elsewhere aboard Deeperblue, perhaps they would step in and carry it? It's a no-brainer as product goes.
Reactions: foxfish
Foxfish, I've just ordered a copy, it'll be available to borrow after I've read it.
no prob's, I'll let you know when it turns up
how's the headache Magpie??
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