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Another use for those big UK pollack

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take a breath and relax..
Apr 26, 2001
Hi all,
Thought i'd share this little gem we tried while camping last year..

Take a large pollack fillet..
Take a lemon or two
Take a plate,

Skin the fillet and slice diagonally into pieces no more than 1cm thick, spread them out squeeze the juice of the lemons over the slices, till they have a good coating but not swimming... At this point you can add some chilli or other things as the mood takes you as well.
Leave for 10-20mins depending on the quantity/thickness of fish mixing ound occasionally.
Then eat... lol
Fish should just start to go opaque outside but still be 'raw' inside. Cracking way to enjoy Pollack, much tastier than simply grilled etc. and definately my favorite way to eat it.

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Sound's good to me ! all i need now is some good weather , a pollock and a lemon. Have you got a name for this dish joe? i think you should have !
Ok it is named... The Power Team Starter...
(Dont ask)
Also works well with other fish (bass triggers, but not mullet.. lol)
I'd check thoroughly for [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anisakis"]anisakis[/ame] before tucking into that!
Thats a fair point although relatively uncommon here in the UK, if your worried freeze the fish well beforehand (obviously thaw out again before use!) or cook it instead! lol
Um, hate to burst your bubble, but in the Americas that's called Ceviche and is very common recipe used on most firm fleshed white fish, plenty of limes and lemons, even grapefruit too, add some finely chopped onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and some hot peppers diced and let them swim for a good 4-12 hours, then my friend, you will be in heaven, drain the excess lime, then enjoy or mix in some cubed tomatoes, Cilantro and avocado for a Mexican version....
Yup thats true, more a suggestion of a way to use Pollack rather than a recipie of my own devising
And in the UK if we make Ceviche and we use Pollack then for some reason it's called "The Power Team Starter". No idea why that should be! Kind of like the difference between Shepherds pie and cottage pie I suppose. Who knows? Why am I writing this drivel?
I suggest drivel was due to the early hour and still being sleepy... or alternatively the late hour and being sleepy... all depending if you went to bed or not!
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