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Another watch q, Casio

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deep thinker

Let the good times roll
Jan 19, 2006
Anybody ever heard of the Casio Sea Pathfinder, or better yet used one?
What do you think of them for a diving watch?
Got a Thermometor, barometor, depth gauge and digital compass. Its more for Yachting but I just want something that says how deep and how long Ive been out there...
Any info or feedback appreciated :)
I have seen this watch as well. I am curious too. It doesnt look all that bad, and the price is very nice.
I use to dive with one, but did not like it. It gives a max dept reading of about 30 meters, and only samples every 5 seconds or so i believe. I even liked the timex helix better, same specs, measures a little deeper, nice design, and even a lot cheaper!

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