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Any Divers in Rio de Janeiro?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jun 19, 2007
ALOHA from Kauai, Hawaii, USA. I am Hawaiian and LOVE to free dive and spearfish.

My wife and I will be in Rio Dec. 15-Dec. 18th, 2007 and again on January 12-14, 2008.

I am looking for dive tips and dive partners.

Please e-mail me at PueoApo@yahoo.com.

Mahalo (thank you),

The Hawaiian.
Aloha! I guess I'm one of the few residents in brasil, so I will have the opportunity to give you some hints and tips.

In Rio and around there are some nice spear spots. The islands are the best choice and you can easily have a boat rented to take you there.

A few miles southern there are very nice beaches with great cliffs, worth for a try. more south there are a few cities where you can get a boat to Ilha Grande a huge island with lots of nice places.

North from Rio (about 100 miles) there is Cabo Frio an excellent place for a couple of days boat trip, many islands, clear water and lots of fishes.

Take a look at Guarapas Caça Sub - Notícias the brazilan most popular spearfishing forum. There are lot of rio residents who will be glad to take you for a stroll, a dive and keep you out of trouble.

I live in Sao Paulo… and I will be here for you if you need any help.

Good luck and have fun

Reactions: Erik
yep! same spearo, different forum.

widening my horizon, spreading the word (the mamba word!)

Nice to meet you here!
spreading the word (the mamba word!)

We'll have none of that bad language in here, it's bad enough with Mr Foxy on the loose without getting it in stereo rofl

Didn't know you were from Sao Paulo, one of or crew in university was from there too

Hey Hawaiian! i just saw your posting.. too late i guess.
next time you come let me know we'll arrange a speafishing trip down here.

Hi guys!

long time I don't visit this forum… sorry.
Pastor, you are everywhere!! hahaha!
Robbert, I know Ted only from medfish forum, not personally.
btw I would only peel vegetables if hired aboard in one of Speartrips voyages!!
… well I could clean up and fillet the fishes too… maybe cook some pasta…
but this is as far as I would go!roflrofl
Hey Giulio,

Based on your avatar I think we'd keep you in the galley so as to not scare the fish!rofl

- Robbert
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