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Any Fish Pie Recipes?

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not getting any younger
Aug 19, 2006
Anyone got a recipe for fish pie? I'm defrosting some grey mullet and wrasse. I have previously done it just with mullet, and it was quite successful, but can't remember how I did it!:head Probably just a white sauce with seasoning, tarragon, parsley, covered with mashed potato and finished with cheddar cheese, grilled on top. :)
Hey I dont have any specific amounts or so but what we do is this.
Flake your fish and make sure theres no bones left, you probably know that part :)
Now make a cheesy white sauce with all your spices in it and mix it thoroughly with the fish flakes. Once that is done take your oven proof dish and spray with non stick or spread with butter, butter tastes better ;). Now if you can make this yourself, in which case why are you asking our help? Take a rolled out piece of pastry dough, bought at the bakery or made and line your dish that goes into the oven with the dough leaving a bit over the edge, fill your bowl with the fish mixture and fold the left over bits of dough onto the fish, now take another piece of the same dough and place it on top, making sure to make it look like a real pie. Take a fork and make a few holes in the top and make a little leaf detail on top with offcut dough. Now pop into the oven until its nice and crispy on top. You just made a pro pie and it tastes awesome.
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Colin try using some smoked paprika in with the fish and cheese sauce, and use Parmesan on the top instead of the cheddar.:p
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Thanks for the help Deep Thinker and Podge ( Podge what a surprise you knew about this!:))

I had decided I wanted to do the type of fish pie with mashed potato and cheese on top, rather than pastry. Someone else also suggested poaching the fish quickly in milk first, then using the milk in the sauce. This also means it's easier to flake the fish, and to pick out any bones ( if your filleting is as crap as mine!).

Thanks for the tip about paprika - didn't have smoked so I used ordinary. I'm sure parmesan would have enhanced it even more, but I was also cooking for fussy kids who think it "tastes like puke". Cruel, but true!:)

Anyway it turned out fine, just next time I wouldn't make the sauce so runny.

(p.s. Podge hope you are recovering OK now and able to get back in the water!)
I had decided I wanted to do the type of fish pie with mashed potato and cheese on top, rather than pastry. Someone else also suggested poaching the fish quickly in milk first, then using the milk in the sauce. This also means it's easier to flake the fish, and to pick out any bones ( if your filleting is as crap as mine!).
That's what I do. Use the milk to make a white sauce with dill, then flake the fish, pick out the bones and put it in the sauce.
I use quite a lot of dill - about half a supermarket packet of fresh dill for a pie. Put only the leafy parts in the sauce, and throw away the stems. The rest of the dill in the packet can be frozen if not used.
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