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Anybody had a problem with Spearboard.com??

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Deeper Blue Induna
Feb 22, 2004
Hi All,

I've just signed up to spearboard about 2-3 weeks ago but for some reason I am not allowed to post replies to threads etc...:head tried to e-mail the administrator but no reply at all, but they do send me e-mail invites for the spearboard open competion!!! anybody had a similar problem?


It sounds like you're stuck in "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" mode. Did you ever get any emails when you signed up asking you to confirm your account?

Otherwise i'd suggest you try emailing enter@bellsouth.net or getting someone already on SpearBoard to post a message for the admin.
Thanks Stephan, I think this is the problem....as far as I can remember I think I got this e-mail. Fuzz is active on both Forums , maybe I'll ask him to help.

Try to Sign in with an address in the United States and you will see, you will not have any problems at all. USA or South africa for that matter...
Well that's weird... I e-mailed the administrator again today at the same time I started this thread and guess what? I got a reply, and my account has been activated!
Amphibious said:
mumble mumble.....spearboard mumble mumble..... :mute

*bleep* Apmhi... don't *swear word deleted* say anything bad about Spearboard *rude word* *bleep* *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*

Or they'll come here.... :head
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