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Anybody Hunt in Southern California

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
"Eventually it will stop raining . . . eventually."

Ha! Darned optimists. I'm thinking of building an ark, with a swimstep, of course.

Back in the day I did most of my hunting in Palos Verdes. I know that area pretty well, but mostly only know Orange County through word of mouth.
Hello all,

I hunt free often when the water is not a toilet...Althought I guess there are large mouth garbage bags and Brown Trouts out there to spear! I try to stay north of Point Dume but I'll go anywhere. PM me if you want to hook up. by the way...LOBSTER season closes soon!!!!!!!!!!!

O.K., all,
It looks like the weather will be on an upswing for the forseeable future. Anyone up for a morning hunt on the 19th? I'll have to come in before lunch as it's the wife's birthday, but her favorite present is to sleep late so I'm a good guy if I'm out of the house!
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Crap! I'll have to eat my earlier hopeful words, it looks like rain again this weekend. Will it ever turn to Spring?
There was a song by a group in the mid 90s titled "It never rains in Southern California"
Guess they never been there during this time of year.How far from Escondido are any of you guys?
About an hour in good traffic . . . assuming that there could even be such a thing as good traffic!
"And the rain comes down just to kiss the Earth, let me tell you . . . " that I'm totally pissed off and goin' pig huntin' instead! My newest rifle will be delivered tonight and will be at the range, sighted in and ready to go next Friday. I'll post the pix for Amphibious, just to watch him turn green, bwahahahahahaha. . . !
Im moving to huntington beach soon to work for Surfline....not quite sure about the spearfishing details...I've heard good stuff about white seabass and yellowtail. I'm used to hunting pelagics...been diving last month in Indo for doggies....is there anyone out there willing to split some expenses or turn me onto a good charter to some of the islands...please let me know...im looking to get to know people to hunt with ASAP. My email is justinbates09@yahoo.com and phone is 757-647-4964. Im a 22 year old male...good guy...experienced....looking for adventure.
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