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Anyone dive while the surf fish are running

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New Member
Oct 4, 2006
In N. Calif we have smelt that run in big schools and spawn on the beach in the spring. I am wondering has anyone dove and hunted while ths schools of surfish are running? I mean dove into the school of surf fish to see what if anything was eating them besides seals and birds.
Paddled into one of those bait balls while surfing off San Fransisco and realized how bad an idea it was. Big scary critters tearing through it. I would advise not entering the food chain that way! Definently sharky.
Deckhand what kind of big scary critters? this has intrigued me for a few years now. On the beach all i see is birds and seals, i dont see anything that looks like fish are attacking them.
I know in South Africa it is done. They dive in or around the sardine bait balls. In Len Jones book there is some good stories about it.
I think I saw a stripped bass feeding on the baitball and what looked like a smaller shark(4-5) footer unknown type. You can't shoot bass though on the west coast, bummer. I couldn't really get a good look though, I was on the surface looking down in o.k. vis. I could only see about 4 feet down. It might be doable though becuase everything feeding is probaly focused on the bait. Really wouldn't advise it though unless you had amazing vis and what are the chances of that. The beach were I saw this was chronkite just north of the golden gate bridge. Good luck if you try it let me know how that goes and bring a buddy maybe in a kayak or skiff. I wouldn't worry about spookng anything in that mess. There just has to be fish on those bait balls but probaly bass and salmon which does spearos no good.
Thank you for the info. I will let you know if i find a school of surf fish this year its so hit and miss.
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