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Anyone have any lead diving weights I could buy?

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Lord of the Brocean
Aug 13, 2007
Just wondering if anyone's got some old diving weights I could take off their hands? I've looked everywhere for some decent priced ones, everything in the shops seems to be about £10 per kg!!!! :waterwork

I need about 15kg's worth!

PayPal waiting! :)
If you can find some scrap lead it's not to hard to melt your self. I made all my weights using a camp stove and a coffee can along with a mold I made out of heavy duty aluminum foil.
If you can find some scrap lead it's not to hard to melt your self. I made all my weights using a camp stove and a coffee can along with a mold I made out of heavy duty aluminum foil.

With me involved, I personally guarantee that it will end in tears :D

Thanks for the advice but I think I really need to buy some!
yep there practically free but you might have to travel to pick them up in the southwest of england
I agree with C3Diver, getting some scrap lead and melting it yourself is the most cost-effecient method of making your own weights, shops sell them for ridiculous prices.

It may be alot more hassle than buying them but damn your saving yourself alot of money, which could be spent on things like spearguns, fins, etc.

Only my 2 cents though.

Have sorted my weights out - found a great guy in Salisbury who did nice shiny new ones for £2.50 a kilo.

PM if you want details.