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Anyone looking for a DiveHunter? Found an almost identical one for £40!!!

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Lord of the Brocean
Aug 13, 2007
It's made by Sevylor, the same company that make the DiveHunter and is identical except for the color and the number of D-rings and Tie downs.

If anyone was thinking about a DiveHunter but didn't want to spend £120, this could be a bargain!

[ame=http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sevylor-Reef-55-snorkel-Inflatable-Body-Board_W0QQitemZ400101294377QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Sporting_Goods_CanoesKayaks_Rafts_SM?hash=item5d27e54129]Sevylor Reef 55 snorkel - Inflatable Body Board on eBay (end time 05-Mar-10 10:04:57 GMT)[/ame]