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anyone read Abi's new article about Sea Cucumbers?

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Erection Supervisor ;)
Jan 19, 2001
the fish that feed around it give a whole new meaning to "bottom feeders".
Other things that sea cucmbers do....Taken at Montgo beach last summer.

When were you there?



  • smoking_seacucumber_sm.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 384
wow! great photo! i was last swimming in montgo in Y2K. went to maldives after that... that is a great cala.
got some magnificent caves...
Hey Adrian,

Was this photo taken before or after Mr. and Mrs. Sea Cucumber got through "Doin' the Wild Thang?" rofl

Originally posted by bdurrett

Mr. and Mrs. Sea Cucumber

Pretty sure the Holothuroids are hemaphrodites...;)

And they expel their intestines at predators... Mustn't have much of a social life those things...:D
Too much information!

Originally posted by Shadowkiller
Pretty sure the Holothuroids are hemaphrodites...;)

And they expel their intestines at predators... Mustn't have much of a social life those things...:D


I read an article recently about Penguins too and how they manage to keep their nests cleen. Seems the little guys (and gals) can "propel their poo" with a 0.95 bar push up and out of the nest..... Talk about having crappy neighbors! :naughty

I will have to find my Sea Cucumber picture when I get home.....
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you seem to have too much time on your hands mate!:D

but i thought that they sat on the adults feet?:confused:

if so, this would be bad for the adult!:t


now i have too much time on my hands!:eek:
Some DM's in Hawaii have too much time

Here is an interesting piece of art from a Sea Cucumber off the Kona Coast....

Enjoy but don't follow the advice too closely..... rofl


  • eatmemike.jpg
    96.6 KB · Views: 255
HOW CAN PEOPLE DO THAT?!! why don't people leave marine life alone?
:) Interesting thread you guys.
I also heard that if you put sea cucumbers through a strainer, their cells will regroup and reorganize. Pretty cool. And no, I haven't read the article.
Good Question

Originally posted by island_sands
HOW CAN PEOPLE DO THAT?!! why don't people leave marine life alone?

That is a VERY good question.

I was in a group with a second DM that was following this one and so got the photo. The DM that did this little bit of "art" also came up once with a Crown-of-Thorns on his head as a joke. Of course, after that, I believe that he was relieved of his job and let go. :rcard The owner of the Dive Shop was more than a tad bit :vangry PO'd :vangry by the guys antics.....

i had a student from hong kong who took a particular interest in shell fish. i caught him a couple of times putting stuff in his BCD pocket.
after a due spanking he promised to leave the marine life in the sea...
the next day he went out with another guide (i forewarned her). she said they came up from the dive.. she checked his pockets, all clear.
then he smiled...

a mouth full of small shells...

btw sea cucumber is an expensive delicacy.
it cost 21 USD for a 50g portion in a restaurant in Spain.. very delicious but holy sh1 is that expensive.
Last edited:
Originally posted by island_sands
i had a student from hong kong who took a particular interest in shell fish. i caught him a couple of times putting stuff in his BCD pocket.
after a due spanking he promised to leave the marine life in the sea...
the next day he went out with another guide (i forewarned her). she said they came up from the dive.. she checked his pockets, all clear.
then he smiled...

a mouth full of small shells...

btw sea cucumber is an expensive delicacy.
it cost 21 USD for a 50g portion in a restaurant in Spain.. very delicious but holy sh1 is that expensive.

OK, one question then..... If he had stuffed his mouth full of shells..... How did he BREATHE? :hmm

Somehow I can NOT imagine putting a piece of one of the things that I saw (from the photo) in my mouth. It looks too much like a large... well ..... for lack of better terminology ..... it looks like a piece of whale doo-doo! :yack

But, since you did manage to try it, was it worth it? :confused:

Lemme guess, tastes just like chicken, right? rofl
eating cucumbers

yeah.. it's a similar taste to sea urchins (another "bottom feeder")

i used to take sea urchins from the coast of Catalonia and eat them raw, sitting on the rocks.

the aphrodisical factor is all a fallicy :)

god knows how the guy with the shells breathed.. (maybe through his ears...) :naughty
Re: eating cucumbers

Originally posted by island_sands

the aphrodisical factor is all a fallicy :)

Well, better a fallicy than a phallus... see? rofl

OK, time to quit punning and get to doing some real work.....

BTW - Maybe he stuck the reg in his nose? :mute Regardless, I sure wouldn't want to use THAT reg until it was serviced. God only knows what crawled into it, let alone the grit that got spit into it.... Seems like a malfunction looking for a place to happen....:head
Messing with U/W life - Update

I just read an article (a bit of poetic justice perhaps) that this 22-year-old guy in South Africa was out stealing Abalone in a protected area. He went down in to a "shark-inhabited area" and, guess what? The sharks got him. They found what was left of him 2 days later......

Darwin at his finest.....

I can post the link if anyone is interested but it was in German from "Der Spiegel" magazine (www.spiegel.de)
Here it is

Originally posted by island_sands
send me the link... plz

I PM'd you the link but just in case, here it is again.....

Shark Kills Abalone Thief

If you Babbelfish this, it will come out rather badly but, for those that speak a bit of German, it is understandable....
OUCH. that musta hurt.

you get what you pay for... or you pay for what you try and get. :)
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