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Apnea and Diabetes

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Ale Andres

Alejandro Andres
Jun 23, 2005
Anyone knows about the combination freediving-diabetes?? I know a guy that wants to start freediving and i don't know what to tell him, i'm thinking in the concecuences of lactic build up, being for hours in the sea...etc, etc...
Disclaimer: This should not be substituted for medical advice

I may not be the best person to answer this (any freediving doctors out there?), but there are probably a couple of questions you need to ask.

1) Are they are a well controlled diabetic, or not? Ask them about their BSLs - are they stable or are they fluctuating? If they get a 4 reading one morning, and a 13 the next, I would certainly be thinking about it.
2) remember that diabetics tend to have leaky blood vessels (in their eyes - that bit I can help you with, their peripheral vascaluture and everywhere else). I wonder if that would leave you more susceptible to barratrauma (not sure... just speculating). It does mean, however, that diabetics have poorer circulation and thus a poorly controlled diabetic can exhibit signs of hypoxia in a normal environment.

I guess for me, it would all be about the control. If the person was well controlled, stable, and had been diabetic long enough to know their own body and how to deal with it, then I don't see why it would be a problem. If they were newly diagnosed or poorly controlled, I would seriously think about it.

My $0.02 anyhow

Thanks Steff and Deepthougt ! i always forget that the most of the questions are already answered in this forum. I must use the search engine first
Ale Andres -main advice would be to follow the medical form in your AIDA Instructor Manual. If someone is diabetic, the form will require a doctor's signature. If the doc signs it -then it's still up to you but you have some reassurance that the person should be OK to dive. It will depend on how well their diabetes is managed


PS Still no AIDA Education Officer to answer these questions heh?? : )
Being a diabetic myself and having good control over my blood sugar levels I find that I have no trouble at all with a good 3 hours of spearfishing.
I do however always test my blood just before entering the water and have found that it’s best to try and run with a higher than normal reading before the dive as this gives you a bit of leeway for the use of energy i.e. sugar during the dive.
For myself and I must stress ONLY for myself I enter the water with a reading of around 12 mmol/L and after I usually have a reading of around 3.
As the body will continue to lose its blood sugar after exercise it’s always down to the nearest café for coffee and chocolate cake straight after which for a diabetic is a real treat.
Just as a finishing note I always carry a mars bar or similar chocolate snack with me while I’m in the sea just in case and the guys that I spear with all know I’m a diabetic.
Don’t know if this helps, just my own experience’s
Thank you Paul and Sam, i know AIDA's rules, and i follow them, but here, the doctors will treat this as any other sport, and i will be legally safe, but i didn't know if instead what the dr says, he can really freedive. Opinions like Paul's and the other guys were very helpfull to give me an idea of what to do or expect...thank you very much
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