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Apnea Powerpoint 75cm Spear Gun Advice please?

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Jul 25, 2013
First of all I'm new to this forum but have for a long time found it a great source of knowledge and information.
I'm looking at buying the above mentioned Apnea Powerpoint 75mm, on paper it looks like a good gun, but would like to hear some opinions or from anyone with experience of it. I'm not sure where they are made or much about the Apnea co.? My second choice would be a R.A Scorpio but not sure it that has a guide rail or not or if it's a better choice based on like for like.

Apnea Powerpoint 75cm Spear Gun - Spearguns (Rubber) - Spearfishingstore.co.uk

Hope to hear some advice, Thanks.:confused:
I do not know about the apnea gun. But the scorpia range of guns are good.
They do not have a rail, however they are still accurate guns and they have a decent amount of power. A friend of mine has double banded his scorpia 90 with a 7mm spear and it is both powerful and accurate throughout the full range of the gun. Being a rob Allen they are very well made but the downside is they can be heavy in the water especially in longer lengths due to the aluminium barrel and heavy duty steel spear.

Hope this helps a bit

Thanks Matt, will try to do a bit more research, might go with another cayman ht in 75cm, my 90cm is good for clear vis but slightly too long for typical Irish murky conditions or dense weed.
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