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Aqualung Sphera

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Dive bum
Feb 10, 2006
Hi fellas!

Does anyone know places where I can get the Aqualung/Technisub Sphera mask except eBay? Too bad scubastore isn't selling it.

Oh, I'd prefer a black silicone mask.

Everything helpful is welcome!

Any local diveshop that carries Aqualung, or local swimming store that carries Aquashpere, can get it for you. I get all of mine form a local dive shop- but they have to order them for me because it isn't a regular stock item.

SanderP said:
Hi fellas!

Does anyone know places where I can get the Aqualung/Technisub Sphera mask except eBay? Too bad scubastore isn't selling it.

Oh, I'd prefer a black silicone mask.

Everything helpful is welcome!


I am curious as to how this mask works for freediving. Any reviews or thoughts on it?
I belive you can find some opinions by using the search function. Lungfish said it's the lowest volume mask commercially available and really good for equalizing. The only problem people are having (as far as I know), are the glasses, which are from plexisol and get scratchy very fast.

If you can read German, here is a review: http://www.unterwasserwelt.de/html/aqualung_maske_sphera.html
Haven't found any english reviews, sorry.

Oh, and if you look at the gallery, here at DB, you can see that many (most) professional freedivers use that mask.
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Morg said:
I am curious as to how this mask works for freediving. Any reviews or thoughts on it?

I will speak out of personal experience only...

The sphera for me is the absolute best freediving mask in the market... not only the volume is low (very low) but the fact that it's made of plastic allows it to compress against your face and bend when you no longer have air to compensate... what this means is that you have to compensate less often and in my own experience I've been able to bring the sphera to -20 meters without injecting air into it... the only downside is that the plastic lens causes some distortion and when you start wearing it you might feel a bit disoriented, you get used to it though and in no time you'll be loving it as well.

I think it's no coincidence almost all top-ranked freedivers use either the sphera or fluid goggles.
At 76ml it is the lowest volume commercially available mask. When you are at 30meters and it starts getting hard to find air to push your mask off your face, it is easy to appreciate the low volume.

It isn't the sturdiest or best designed, or even the most expensive mask. It has a plastic lens that will scratch if you stare at it too hard, they fog and are known for leaking and they don't fit larger faces well......

Oh yea, and I love mine. The view is great, Polorutz is right about easy equalizing. I wear it when I am going deeper and need performance and easy, low volume equalization. I can equalize my ears hands free against the mask....

Wow thanks for the info guys :), I'll definatly look into this mask.

Now I gotta find a place that carries them so I can try one on. I like the look of it.
Polorutz said:
I've bought all my spheras from

they ship on time and have excellent customer relations

Is it just me or can anyone else not find the Aqualung Sphera?

I found some nice lenses for them... they seem pretty reasonable. Anyone know how hard it would be to change them yourself?
I saw it again at scubastore. I thing it was out of that store for some time.

Cool that scubastore sells them now. But I did some searching and found a store that sells Aqualung products here. I sent them a e-mail, asked if they can get me a Sphera.

I also found Aqualung Falco, which has a (almost?) identical design to the Sphera. Is it as low volume as the Sphera? Can anyone comment on this?
Keep an eye out at dive expo's too. I picked one up for GBP20 (they retail for about GBP35) at the Londong Intl Dive Show.

How are the newer models?

I heard in another thread that they leak + break down after like 1 season of using the mask.

I was really liking the mask until then :(. A lot of people were listing problems like that with it.
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