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Aquato Profondo! super video!

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Sea fanatic
May 2, 2005
Guys, I finally got my hands on Dapirans video "aguatto profondo"!
Although it is 10 years old..amazing!!
Full of good tips and nice shots!!
Giorgio Dapiran is "sniping", espetto´s, great catches....very inspiring!
Reactions: Dobs
Got to get these ones aswell!!, BTW....why the Hell do we need carbonfins??..this guy, on this video Dapiran goes plus40 meter with 80 euro fins...rofl
I saw C4 carbon fins on that movie...

Hey, I think I saw him using c4 and plastic fans, however I can be mistaken, because I have another one..."ceatafolo e spigoli" in shaloow water.
Anyways, I will have a look!
yep, you're right.There was plastic and C4.
Yuo wont loose anything by watching it again
yep, you're right.There was plastic and C4.
Yuo wont loose anything by watching it again

Hehehe..so marginatus....why do we spend all this money on these super expensive fins? ..
I have noticed another thing...the US champ,in Florida, uses a 5mm Omer Mimetic, he fishes between 30 and 45 meter...sharkskin?...not!, chicle..not...
We do it because we really want them , because since we´re not as good as those guys, we need all the help from the gear, because i can't do hands free EQ like dapiran so i'm not as hydroninamic....
Dapiran sell in his site (and probably uses) carbon fins that he designed
Reactions: greendiver
Dude!!, of course, I like carbon fins etc.., but if you think about it...maybe a bit mor of pool pratice, less gear ,
I use cressi 3000´s, and C4 Vtr´s, I do notice a little bit of difference using the more expensive carbon fins ( Itried the new Beuchat ones), but I do not think there is a world of difference.
I am not at the level of these guys, maybe one day..
the differences aren't big but if you multiply that litlle diference for a 2/3 hours of diving... or for some meters, the diference startes to be noticeable.
Investing in training is always more worthy then in gear...
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