No, the rigth lung is shorter than the left by one inch ( 2.5 centimeters); However, its total capacity is greater. The rigth lung has three lobes, the left lung has two.
How much air does a person breathe in lifetime ?
During his or her life, the average person will breathe about 75 million gallons ( 284 million liters) of air. Per minutemthe human body needs two gallons (7.5 liters) when lying down, four gallons ( 15 liters) when sitting , six gallons ( 23 liters) when walking, 12 gallons ( 45 liters) or more when running.)
How hard does the heart work?
The heart squeezes out about two ounces ( 71 grams) of blood at every beat and daily pumps at least 2,500 gallons ( 9,450 liters) of blood. On the average, the adult heart beats 70 to 75 times a minute. The rate of the heartbeat is determined in part by the size of the organism. Generally the smaller the size ,the faster the heartbeat. The women's hearts beat six to eigth beats per minutes faster than men's hearts do . At birth the heart of a baby can beat as fast as 130 times per minutes.
What si the amount of carbon dioxide found in normal blood?
Carbon dioxide normally ranges from 19 to 50 millimeters per liter in arterial blood adn 22 to 30 millimeters per liter in venous blood
How much air does a person breathe in lifetime ?
During his or her life, the average person will breathe about 75 million gallons ( 284 million liters) of air. Per minutemthe human body needs two gallons (7.5 liters) when lying down, four gallons ( 15 liters) when sitting , six gallons ( 23 liters) when walking, 12 gallons ( 45 liters) or more when running.)
How hard does the heart work?
The heart squeezes out about two ounces ( 71 grams) of blood at every beat and daily pumps at least 2,500 gallons ( 9,450 liters) of blood. On the average, the adult heart beats 70 to 75 times a minute. The rate of the heartbeat is determined in part by the size of the organism. Generally the smaller the size ,the faster the heartbeat. The women's hearts beat six to eigth beats per minutes faster than men's hearts do . At birth the heart of a baby can beat as fast as 130 times per minutes.
What si the amount of carbon dioxide found in normal blood?
Carbon dioxide normally ranges from 19 to 50 millimeters per liter in arterial blood adn 22 to 30 millimeters per liter in venous blood