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[Article] GM In our food - Are fish threatened?

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Jan 12, 2007
Our ever opinionated Freediving Editor, Cliff Etzel, once again gives us his opinion about Genetically Modified Organisms and how they relate to the sport of Freediving and Spearfishing.

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Re: [Article] GM In our food - Are fish threatened?

[FONT=&quot]I would agree that genetically modified (GM) food has its dangers – but only because it needs further research. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The world is getting smaller, not only because of technology but because of our increasing population. We must understand how to maximize the yield of food in a field that is slowly decreasing against the backdrop of an ever expanding human population. How do we feed this expanding population with the limited area that is available? Against this fact, wild life will be threatened – not so much as in over harvesting, though that is also a factor, but in the loss of its habitat. Even that is not limitless. What do we do when we have reached that limit?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I live in a small group of islands that has limited area for cultivation, with a population that is growing everyday. Rice and fish is the most important food for our people. Should we not look at GM as a solution?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]GM can be a solution. Technology will play a great part in this as it has done in all aspects of our life. We should encourage research on it so that its dangers will be revealed and so avoid it. As in spearfishing - whether you are a free or scuba diver - the equipment we use now for this sport is the result of the technology that we have and this technology came about because of research in other fields – scuba diving included![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Research on GM must be done and it must be done thoroughly. It is not a question of “we will do it because we can” but because if we don’t, humanity may be fighting each other for what food is left. In fact we have begun to. Turf wars over fishing grounds, disagreements on water rights and so on.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The inherent dangers of GM must not stop the research that would make us understand it – as the inherent dangers of flying did not stop mankind reaching for the moon.


Pinoy Sniper
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Reactions: DeepThought
Hmm -.-

I would agree with you if the leaders of the world was trying to achieve best results for mankind and health in mind, but this is not or ever will be the case.

let me give you some examples on how this gmo is affecting the world negativity already and the process to speed this up is well undertaken.

Monsanto which is The worlds largest food and agriculture manufacture/supplier have manipulated some governments to accept that life is patentable, by this they mean that if they change a bit of a ex, natural pigs dna or crops, this is now the creation of the manipulator thus giving them legal and financial rights over these animals / crops, several cases are up in process where monsanto are suing sevral farmers and crop growers for trespassing on their patented life.

one ex of a case is where a farmer had his own pig's eating monsanto food which has been subjected to monsanto modified pigs dna, passed the patented dna over to the new pig's cubs with the farmer unknowing of this, later monsanto sends over inspectors and inspects the farm for trespasses and ofc all of the new piggs had monsanto dna, leagaly owned and prosecuted by monsanto.

since monsato was a chemical company before they set in to take over the food and agriculture market they like to refer to gmo as ecological food since the food is now not subjected to any chemicals, while a dna manipulation is an organic alternation hence ecological definition by their statement.

also let me give u an insight of what kind of alteration they are doing to crops /animals.

to make strawberry more resistant to frost the interduce a gene from a fish found in the arctic oceans which has the ability to produce a substance which makes the fish´s blood not freeze at extreme temperatures, this dna was isolated and sliced in to the dna of the strawberrie, this causes the human body to react very badly according to studies which revels that the human body reject this food as poisonous since it can not recognize its natural patter as either plant or animal and the immune system starts to attack the own cells in confusion.

Agin another gmo ex, is where the interduced a spiders silk processing dna into a sheep's dna so they could milk the silk out of the sheep to use as kevlavest for military use, imagine now this sheep running off and getting of springs with another sheep, nothing good can come out of this mad undertakings, not even with all the time you get to studie these effects would make them any safer.

these mega companies are not after your individual health or care about nature their only goal is control over mankind, you shuld also know that codex alimentarius will be implemented this year for global market, and means in short that the world food association has some rules to which all food and agriculture agency´s must follow in order to get into the globalmarket and this codex will make proteins and vitamin's illigeal, the crops/food must get treated with a ofc monsanto chemical to make it safe. youtube it.

hope u think twice before endulcing these mad men and come up with an good example to how we can retain a substantial growing food culture, imo

free Africa and educate them structured watering to manage their own crops, the earth is fertile, support ocean going farms instead of fishing armadas which destroy what lite we have left, and with less interference from greedy companies and supporters to mad science is what we need less of.

peace is the only solution or we will all fall.:hmm

Reactions: Adrian
With regards to Monsanto, I guess that the company is doing what most companies do in a capitalistic environment - just like Bill Gate's Windows or Kellogs or Nestle or Exxonmobil or Chevron USA Inc, for that matter - and that is to produce goods for maximum profit. Another company that comes to mind is Pfiezer that produces Tamiflu. All these companies do make money - but they also do much of the research - in their respective fields - that makes life a little easier.

In our part of the world, modified rice that would resist pests and deseases or rice that grows in a harsher environment would be more than welcome...provided that it is safe for human consumption. That is why research is needed. I doubt if there will be much use here for sheep wearing kevlar vests and I fervently hope that those "mad scientists" do not even think of mating fish with kevlar vested sheep as this would mean using armor-piercing spear points!
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Well Pinoy

You seem like a guy that take other´s word for it, as a sheep in the sheep heard, all i read in your last coment was bahh bah bah, in your part of the world, very close by, Thailand is the worlds biggest exporter of rice, why not learn from them how they do it and if this could help your part in being self sufficient. hope you know that moste of the sheep's get slaughtered and imagine if one of the sheep came up to the rest of the pack saying STOP don't follow those humans they will take you to a house where they will chop you up in small litle pices and put you in small boxes, then they ship you off to a far away place where humans can chose which box they want to eat, i guess u would be the one saying Noooo thats nonsense the humans feed us, care for us, LOVE us, they would never do that?? guess those kevlar would be nice if you knew the truth?

ofc a car helps u get faster from a to b than a horse would like the old days, so research is good if applied right, right? but the fuel they put out kills our planet and with all those researches why arnt we seeing solar energy drive cars, really as with the pharmacy's they really want you to be healthy thats why they offer you medicine? yes ofc, your not really a ginny pig for the mad scientist looking for the pill that gives eternal life, but if you read carefully the side effects on the infosheet on those medicines you will realize that the stuff your eating to cure 1 ill will probably give you 4-5 if not more problems that you dident have in the first place.

Knowledge is a devastating thing without wisdom.

hope you will pass on knowledge more wisely, and not just take some other dudes word for it.rofl
I think where food comes into play capitalism and free market should not be our main concern anymore.
I don't bother Bill gates toying with Monopolies on OS' or software but when it comes to basic things like food and water I'd draw the line.
So patents on living organisms is complete and utter BS(well software patents are, too. But that's another story).

Also evolution is a funny thing that we - as of now - still can't decrypt. And manually intervening like that; I don't feel comfortable with that.
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Also the dna is not static but continually changing thru evolution which makes their dna tables not worth much more than to understand how it looks Right now.

Also they like to think that the dorment dna in the helix is offline and are not taken into account as a player in the set up, go figure:martial
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