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Asthma and exhale diving.

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New Member
Jun 28, 2012
What are your feelings on asthmatics using the exhale diving technique?

My understanding of exhale diving is that the diver dives on a relatively empty lung, or one that has a marked decrease in inflation. Asthma results in air trapping and as such predisposes the diver to a greater chance of barotrauma. Would the decrease inflation allow the asthmatic to dive safer with fewer chances of barotrauma?
I don't know how or if FRC diving helps or is detrimental to asthmatic people. But I do hear of asthmatic people who've overcome it thanks to freediving.
I've heard the same. However I think it isn't the activity of freediving that does it, but rather the breathing exercises and a greater sense of self awareness that is required. That could play a role. By virtue of the fact that freedivers have to rely soley upon their personal actions and well being, they are a lot more aware of their boundaries and limits. This I think impacts us hugely.
Asthma isn't a single condition but a whole family of conditions that share some common symptoms. I recommend caution as asthma can be fatal. However, some hold that asthma is associated not with lack of oxygen (as the sufferer may feel) but by too much, or possibly too much in relation to CO2 - like hyperventilating. In the olden days, asthma was sometimes treat with a small amount of CO2.

The Buteyko method is based on breathing exercises. I have seen this technique used to lower the use of an inhaler down from 6 double shots per day to 0 over a period of 6 weeks (based on a US training video & by methodically creating and working through breath training charts). It doesn't cure asthma but it can be a v. useful tool for managing it (esp. as inhaler propellants can be a problem).

The Buteyko Method (Shallow Breathing) for controlling Asthma.

I have no vested interest in this technique. Consult your GP first.

[BTW fish oil can be beneficial - we found it to be - and citrus fruit/aspirin/ibuprofen can be an aggravators for some asthmatics]
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I've been diagnosed with some astmatic stuctures in my lungs which unfortunately make them quite susceptible. Especailly heavy deep diving and packing can easily lead to many problems and I avoid FRC training. If suffering from astma, I'd suggest listening to your body very carefully. Pain is not a good sign and better to rest than try push it too far.
I'm no diving doctor, but, based on several years of diving exhale (about 1/2 lung), I'd avoid exhale diving if asthmatic. Mostly, I'd avoid going anywhere near residual volume on a dive, full or exhale. Its just much easier to get below residual volume on exhale. Get below that level and you are much much more subject to lung adema and/or squeeze. My guess is that either could be a serious problem for an asthmatic.

That is a hard question.

Depending on a lot of factors.

Firstly no one can diagnose you via internet properly.
To be able to make an "educated guess" you should be examined thoroughly.
Even after that your doctor just could make an ,as afore mentioned " educated guess" depending on his personal opinion as statistics and sufficient numbers on this are surely not available.

Although it is presumably not very dangerous, its a whole another thing to clear someone for diving (although many doctors seem to do this very easily) if you are a responsible doctor.

to come back to your question:
one of the problems that comes with asthma is the resulting edema, squeeze causes also edema, so we are back at the beginning looking at the risk.

it really depends on where the air is stuck. worst cause in a small emphysema bubble which is likely to burst and cause a pneumothorax anyway.

But on the other hand: my girlfriend has asthma too and is freediving in very cold water (which causes her asthma problems) but never has had any serious trouble.
...If suffering from asthma, I'd suggest listening to your body very carefully. Pain is not a good sign and better to rest than try push it too far.
Sounds like good advice. Iron Man champion (6 or 7x?), Mark Allen, wrote of listening to his body as his guide to training (in Outside magazine) - rather than listening to what others - or your own training plans - tell you to do. For those with health conditions like asthma, it is even more important. I know two long time asthmatics who found that when things "start going wrong" resting is usually the best and safest course (actually both are mainly over the worst of it now - having moved countries and learnt how to manage it).